5SOS As Your Partner

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When you have a homework and have to work with your partner...


You: Luke what should I do with this homework?

Luke: we can go out and work it together

You: sure

Luke: I'll pick you up this afternoon. Just waiting

You: ok


You: Ash what should I do with this homework?

Ash: I'll go to your house we'll done it together.  If there is any difficult question I'll ask my smart friend to solve it.

You: Oh God you're an angel

Ash: I'll take a bath for a minute.  Just wait I'll go after this and bring some meals from minimarket. See ya

You: thanks Ashton


You: Cal what should I do with this homework?

Calum: do it yourself and don't forget to put my name on

You: what?

Calum: do it or I'll rape you

You: fuck


You: Mike what should I do with this homework?

Mike: who is this? What home work?

Anjenk :"v ini gajetot bye.

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