5SOS When You're In Period

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When your dating with your boyfriend and suddenly you got your period...


You: OMG I think my period just coming

Luke: What? What should I do babe? *panic at the disco*

You: buy me some pembalut asap please

Luke: wait wait don't go anywhere I'll buy it sooner *run into sports shop*

You: what the hell is he doing there -_-


You: OMG I think my period just coming

Ash: what? *gendong lu ala bridal style*

You: what are you doing ash?

Ash: I'll bring you to the nearest hospital

You: what?!


You: OMG I think my period just coming

Calum: what the fuck? It means I'll don't get my jatah?

You: I'm sorry we'll don't have sex for one week

Calum: *calling Mali* Mali come here my girlfriend needs pembalut

You: Cal you are so hero :')


You: OMG I think my period just coming

Mike: oh

Anjenk :"v makin gajetot

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