1D As Your Boyfriend

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When you're in the beginning of your date... Go to the cinema with your lovely boyfriend..


You: what would we watch today?

Liam: anything you want. I like all kind of movies

You: ♥


You: what would we watch today?

Harry: up to you babe but make sure you pick the corner seat so we can do 'you know what I mean'

You: aw my dirty mind boyfriend *slap his cheek*


You: what would we watch today?

Niall: I'm with you. The important thing is how about my food. I will not be allowed to enter the cinema with the foods from outside.

You: go eat yourself Nialler


You: what would we watch today?

Louis: football match

You: but we will go to cine-

Louis: *just runs entering his car and leaving you*

Yg pnya pcr kek Louis pye kabare :') gaez klo w bkin tipe 1D abang Jen udh g msuk y soalnye dya bkan 1D lg maap ye hhe tp klo di joke lain ntar w msukin kok tnang ae

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