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Robyn's POV

I wanted Onika but I wasn't gonna put up with that disrespectful shit. She makes me wanna bend her over and not stop until her ass is red.

My fingers gripped the steering wheel as I waited at the stop light. She pissed me off so much! Why was she so damn hard headed?

"Rih, you're barely even paying attention to me."

I turned my head, forgetting I had this girl in my passenger seat.

"Brandi shut up with that clingy shit," I said as I gripped her thigh, she whimpered and tried to urge my hand closer to her center.

"Nah, not yet," I chuckled pulling back into my driveway.


Nicki's POV

I'm never stepping foot into this house again. I've been here for three and a half hours and me and Cole have made little to no progress on this stupid project.

After we finally got settled in the dining room with our things their dad, Jay, came in talking loudly with his colleagues and decided to stop them to show off his 'brilliant son that was going places.'

It was cute and I could tell Cole enjoyed being praised by a group of people who could probably collectively own Manhattan, but it wasted a good hour. Then after they left and went into Mr. Carter's office, their step-mom, Beyoncé came in with their rowdy younger sister, Blue.

"Cole, can you tell Rih to watch Blue while I go grab a few things for the White Party with Kelly," she asked sweetly.

"Uhh, Rih disappeared off to somewhere a few hours ago but I'll watch my widdle baby Blue Blue," he replied grabbing the three year old.

Beyoncé thanked him and left, Blue waved at me shyly before retreating into her older brother's chest, one hand in her mouth and the other gripping the ends of Cole's unruly hair.

"Sorry 'bout all that, today things are actually kinda calm," he apologized.

"It's co--" before I could even finish my statement, Robyn came in with her hand on this hoe Brandi's ass.

"You're so bad," the hoe giggled into Robyn's neck as they walked into the dining room.

"Is that my baby Blue?!" Robyn yelled picking up her sister and twirling her around playfully.

"Yeah could you watch her while I work on this thing with Nic?" Cole asked.

"No," she chuckled, "I have someone to do."

"You mean something," I corrected.

"I know what I meant," she flicked her tongue between her two fingers and cackled while pulling Brandi up the long winding stairs.

Cole shook his head laughing, but I scrunched my face up in disgust. We finally got started and we were making considerable progress, Blue was even quiet as she bounced on Cole's knee while playing on his phone. Halfway through with what needed to be done, we heard something hard banging against the wall.

"What the fuck," Cole mumbled.

"That's bad word Coco," Blue looked up at him disapprovingly.

"Sorry," he kissed the top of her head, "what is that though?"

I shrugged, but was just as curious. Jay walked out in basketball shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt, scratching his head. "You two hear that?"

We nodded with matching looks of confusion. He grabbed Blue from Cole and walked off, "check into that noise, Cole. I have to make a conference call in fifteen minutes and I need it to be fairly quiet. It was good seeing you, Onika."

"You too, Mr. Carter."

Cole groaned before getting up and walking up the stairs, out of curiosity I followed him. The closer we got upstairs the louder the noise. Cole walked to a door that had been painted black with a metallic "R" on it. You could hear moaning and whimpering coming from behind it.

"Fuuuuck... Robyn I can't take it, I'm about to c-c-c-- ahhhh..."

Cole looked at me and laughed as I scrunched my face up in disgust for the second time that evening.

"Yo, my sister wild bruh," he said about to leave before remembering he was supposed to keep the house quiet. He turned back around and banged on the door, there was shuffling coming from inside of the room.

"What," Robyn asked through a crack in the door. You could still see her pretty clearly though, her baseball jersey was open but not enough to expose anything but part of the tattoo on her torso, and her lipstick was smudged.

"Pops said to keep it down, he bout to make an important call."

"Aight, she was just about to leave anyway," she opened the door wider, exposing a semi-nude Brandi. She threw her her shirt and the hoe pulled it on quickly.

"Get out," she growled and pushed Brandi out, her hair a mess and her clothes disheveled.

"But Robyn you drove me here!"

"I really don' give a fuck, gon' somewhere," she slammed her room door shut.


"Aye, not to be rude but shut up. You gotta go, I'll drive you home, but don't come round here no mo' dealing with Rih's crazy ass."

"But what about the project?" I asked frustrated.

"I'll be back, ma."

They left and I wanted to scream. It was already eight and I was starving and tired. I didn't plan to be here this long. I hadn't realized but I was pacing the foyer with my arms crossed.

"You look so sexy when you're angry," I heard her voice from the top of the stairs, she was leaning over the banister watching me.

Her curly hair was now in a ponytail and she was dressed in a sports bra and sweats. Her torso was covered in bite marks and hickeys. "How are you gonna flirt with me after all that just happened?"

"I'm not flirting, just statin' facts, princess," I wanted to melt, her accent drove me crazy.
"I like boys," it felt necessary to remind her and myself of that.

She laughed before approaching me, hooking her index finger under my chin, "they all do at first."

Thank you all for reading, I appreciate all the views, votes and comments so far. I hope you're all enjoying it and if not feel free to let me know where I can improve. All criticism is good criticismPeace.

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