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Robyn's POV

He looked dumbfounded, and I was annoyed by his lack of manners from failing to invite me in

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He looked dumbfounded, and I was annoyed by his lack of manners from failing to invite me in. I pushed him hard enough from him to stumble back and fall on his ass.

Realizing it was a bad position to be in he quickly scrambled to stand upright but my foot in his chest prevented him from getting up.

"I'a stay down if I were ya," I smirked.

But like a dumbass he didn't listen, so I instead of playing nice I hit him in the shin with the metal baseball bat causing him to let out a loud yelp.

"Shut da fuck up, or I'a break ya fuckin' jaw," I pointed the bat at him and he quieted down.

"Now, we can do this da easy wey or we can do it the hard wey but whichever ya choose just know its gonna get done."

He didn't say anything, he just sat there biting his lip in pain and holding his leg.

I took my phone out and called Nav.

"'Ey ya close by?"


"Come by 'is house and bring da rope."


For about four minutes we just stared at each other while we waited, my mind going wild with all the things I could do with this little bitch. His eyes showed nothing but a mixture of confusion and hatred.

I couldn’t help but to chuckle. Did he really think I gave a fuck about how he felt about me? I didn’t before and I sure as hell don't right now.

Nav eventually walked in and tied his hands and feet then duct taped his mouth with a bit of resistance before we both dragged him out kicking to my car and tossed him in the trunk.

I headed to this abandoned apartment building that had partially burned down  where we used to smoke weed in back when we were still in middle school. I nodded my head to the music they played on the radio, glancing every now and then to make sure Nav was still behind me.

We arrived and as soon as I parked Travis and Abel were grabbing Bryson out of the trunk, and throwing him on the floor.

We all stood around him as he struggled to get free of the ropes. Abel chuckled darkly at the scene before him then turned to me. "Are we gonna kill him?" he asked as I picked up the Beretta that sat on a nearby table.

At the sound of that Bryson went into a complete panic as he tried desperately to break free of the ropes.

"I don't know yet," I tapped my finger against my chin.

"He's a fucking snitch, Rih," Abel said angrily as he looked at Bryson.

"But he dropped the charges," Travis butted in.

"That's a good point."

"We could slice his face… The whole snitches get stitches thing," Nav suggested.

"If he lives he can snitch again," Abel responded in an exasperated tone.

I rolled my eyes at their bickering, I should've used Zendaya and Kehlani they would have been more professional, however it would've felt incomplete without Melissa.

My attention finally focused back on Bryson as tears streamed down his face while he listened to the boys arguing over what horrible thing they should do to him.

I knelt down to his level, "promise ya won' yell if I take da tape off?"

He nodded frantically and I ripped off the duct tape.

"Why ya 'ave to push up on Nika?"

"I wasn't...Rih, I…promise," he responded between tears.

"Nuh nuh nuh, ya nuh keep ya 'ands fi yaself batty boy. Yuh touch on whats mine… Onika… She's mine."

"Robyn, I swear I don't… I don't want Onika… I won't even talk to her again, just let me go! I won't tell anybody! I won't!"

"An' if ya not tellin' me da truth, then what? I'm in jail… Again."

"I'm not lying I swe--"

"ROBYN WHAT THE FUCK IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU?!" Cole stormed into the building, his face red with anger.

"I… Fuck," I grumbled knowing there was nothing I could say to calm him down.

How did he even find out?

He got to me and pushed me making me trip and fall. Seeing the scene unfold Abel, Nav and Travis were about to rush at Cole but he pulled out a gun.

"Don't you three dare fuckin' move a muscle," he gritted as he pointed it at them.

"In fact get the fuck out before I kill all of y'all."

Realizing how serious he was they dropped their heads and turned to leave. You didn't disrespect the orders of a Carter anyway.

"Robyn, I swear to god I'm going to fucking murder you if you don't get your ass in that fucking car right now."

I sat there stupefied before he turned the gun on me, "did I fucking stutter!?"

I got up quickly but stood my ground.

"This is between me an' him, Cole. Go 'ome."

"Robyn, I'm not fucking playing right now. Put the gun down," he stepped closer to me.

I shook my head no, I couldn't do that. I don't know if it was my pride or what but there was no way I could walk away and bow down to Bryson or Cole.

"Nah," I sniffled, "I can't do dat."


I aimed the gun down at Bryson's head, my finger wrapped around the trigger and just as I was about to pull it I was tackled to the ground.


Cole looked up at me, fear in his eyes as he got off me. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I couldn't move or hear anything. I just watched as Cole panicked upon seeing Bryson's lifeless body laying in a pool of his own blood. He hovered over Bryson, crying at the sight before he turned to me. He was yelling something but I couldn't hear it.

I blinked slowly, unable to process what had just happened. Cole yanked me up off the dusty floor by my collar and quickly pulled me to his car outside. He pushed me in and we sped off down the street.

The shock seemed to wear off as the sirens wailed around us and not too soon afterwards blue and red lights flashed behind us.

Cole slowed the car down and stopped, looking out into the distance in defeat. Both of our doors were pulled open and we were yanked out of the car and roughly forced on the gravel of the road, our arms forced behind our backs.

"You two are under arrest for the murder of Bryson Tiller, you have the right to remain silent…"

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