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Zendaya's POV

Aubrey had called me at five this morning telling me they had booked Cole and Robyn

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Aubrey had called me at five this morning telling me they had booked Cole and Robyn. I groaned. Rob was fresh off of probation and I knew it had something to do with Bryson. She had came to my house after the apology and she was livid, I told her not to do anything stupid I mean ole boy wasn't checking for Onika like that anyway. Plus if I'm being honest I think the dude is fruity but whatever.

I walked into the precinct looking a bit like a bum but I didn't care. Aubrey hadn't told me much over the phone so I just assumed we needed to bail them out and go.

I spotted Aubrey sitting there looking off into the distance at nothing in particular, a sleeping Onika resting her head on his shoulder. He looked tired and a bit irritated.

"'Sup Aubz?" He nodded and dapped me up.

"So what they get them for this time?" I asked handing him my coffee which he happily took with a gruff 'thanks.'

He took a sip before blandly replying, "murder."


"Hey keep it down..."

"What the fuck happened?" I whisper yelled.

"I think Rih killed Bryson and I don't know how Cole plays into it, he couldn't say," he whispered in my ear because we weren't sure who could be listening.

I sighed. There was no way she was going to get out of trouble this time.

"Aubrey, Zendaya..." Detective Rios called us.

We woke up Onika and we all walked into his office. He closed and locked the door before looking out the blinds quickly then drawing those closed too.

"Listen here. There's a lot of people here that have wanted the heads of the Carters for years... I'm not one of them. You two know that," he looked at Aubrey and I.

"Jay Carter has saved my ass many times in the past out of the kindness of his heart and its my time to repay the debt. They're trying to charge Robyn with premeditated murder and give her life," at this Onika broke down in tears. I wrapped my arms around her and motioned for Rios to keep talking.

"But...and I told their lawyer Livingstein this, I know Jay has the DA and a lot of these judges on payroll so we just need to convince a jury. That's where you guys come in, get as many character witnesses for Robyn as possible and at most she'll go to jail for manslaughter."

"Manslaughter?" Aubrey asked confused.

"No, look manslaughter is good here... At max she'll get 10 years," I explained.

"You saying that like a dime ain't a lot!"

"Nigga a max of ten years compared to life ain't shit, she could get between 1 to 10 years and maybe less if she takes a plea deal."

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