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Nicki's POV

"That was wo--"

"What, princess?"

"Did you hear a door close?"

As she opened her mouth to speak we both definitely heard someone walking up the stairs.

This was it, this is how I die. I quickly pulled my shorts on and went crazy looking for my shirt. I heard Robyn laughing, I looked back to see her still on my bed propping herself up on her elbows. "What's so damn funny?" I whisper yelled as I found a t-shirt and pulled it over my head quickly. I heard the steps getting closer and I prayed to god that my parents would believe that Robyn was just a friend who I invited to spend the night.... Platonically.

"Why ya freakin' out baby?" she smirked, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind and resting her chin on my shoulder. I shook her off, just as I heard a knock.

"Onika! Guess who got outta taking her exams!" my older sister walked in without my permission, screeching. I visibly sighed in relief, "you scared the hell out of me, Tae!

"Shit, my bad... I was just trying to surprise ya short ass," she said as she threw her arms around me in a bear hug.

"What you wa--" she looked up, finally noticing Rih who was standing off to the side on her phone with this annoyed expression. She looked so sexy but I couldn't focus on that.

"Who's this, Oni?"

"Ummm... this is my... friend, Robyn. Robyn this is my big sister La'Shontae but we just call her Tae," I said nervously, hoping my sister hadn't remembered her from her high school days, two years ago.

"Sup," Robyn nodded coolly, but I could tell her mood had changed. Tae waved awkwardly before returning her attention to me.

"Well, I didn't know you had company. So I'll just be in my room unpacking," she said and left, closing my door. I looked to see Robyn pulling on her shoes and looking through the sheets for her keys.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah, I got shit to do," she mumbled.

"What's wrong? What did I do?" I wrapped my arms around her waist from the side.

"Move back wit dat clingy shit," she pushed me off of her and I can't lie, it really hurt my feelings.

"What the hell did I do?" I was starting to get an attitude.

"Nothing, I got a party to get to. I'll see you around."

She left and I heard the front door slam shut. I groaned, I should've just kept ignoring her stupid bipolar ass.

"Did you piss your friend off?" Tae asked, appearing in my doorway.

"What? Um, I don't know...and I don't really care."

"Ahh, apathy looks good on you my little chipmunk. What do you wanna do? Mommy doesn't know I'm here for another week and its only ten, the night's still young."

I wonder if she knew what she had just walked into and was just trying her best to look past it, we weren't exactly open on the topic with each other. I mean, she knew something was going on with me and Trey but I never told her the details or how far I had gone. I knew of her two boyfriends and only because she was a senior my freshman year and they held hands in the hallways. None of that mattered now, I wanted to tell her. To ask her where I had just went wrong, because in all honesty there were many factors as to why I never wanted to do what I just did with Robyn.

For one, she was trouble. Pure and simple, she had no respect for authority, time, rules or really anyone but herself for that matter. She talked to people the way she wanted with little care for the situation or their feelings. She was always in and out of the principal's office, in detention or suspended.

And I, who had somehow in some bizarre way been dubbed "Little Miss Perfect" had no room for that kind of wildness... I was president of NHS, the co-captain of the track team and the captain of the volleyball team. She didn't fit the brand my parents had built for me.

Secondly, the girls. I never knew that so many girls were lesbians, bisexuals or just plain bi-curious until I stepped foot into my high school. So many girls wanted or had her that there wasn't even enough room for there to be the stereotypical hot jock that all the girls fiend over. She was it, and I don't know if she was a nymphomaniac or someone who just couldn't resist the attention of pretty girls... Hell maybe she was both, but either way she "entertained" a lot of their advances.

And almost immediately afterwards acted like she had no use for them, that however never stopped them from crawling back when she wanted another taste and that sure as hell didn't stop them for fighting over her. It was ridiculous.

But lastly, the real reason I wanted nothing to do with her originally is because I had noticed her staring the first week of freshman year. I noticed how attractive she was, the way she strutted down the hallways as if she couldn't be touched, how everything she wore seemed to look better because she was the one that was wearing it.

Maybe I wasn't on her radar yet, but she was on mine. I liked her, I liked her because she was everything I wanted to be but couldn't because I was afraid of not being good enough for my parents. I was intoxicated by her looks, the way she talked, her power. I wanted her and I knew if I ever got even the smallest glimpse of having her, I'd never wanna let her go.

....and, boy was I right.

Wanting What I Can't Have // Rihanna & Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now