Chapter Seven

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I was confused. Is this what would happen to my family? My whole family would have to die?! I just would not allow it to turn out that way. As I dreamed, I did not realize that I was tossing and turning until Jake woke me up. "Renesmee?!" he yelled "You're having a nightmare!" he yelled to me. I jolted upright and woke up. The baby started to cry. "Oh!" I said. "Oh Belle." I repeated. I went to pick up Belle out of her carseat, she was very upset and she was shaking to. I do not know why though. She was either shaking from the cold or from being scared. Anyway it did not matter, because my baby was upset and as a mother I had to comfort her. I started to sing the lullaby Jake would sing to me when I was upset. After about what seemed like a very long hour she was finally asleep. I then strapped her into her carseat and pit a blanket over her just to keep her warm. I was forgetting that Jake was there until he started to speak. I was immedietly startled. I jumped halfway out of my seat when he said "Renesmee, what happened?" as well as "What was your nightmare about?" It took me awhile to answer him, because I was still a little shaken up about the nightmare. Sure, I had to tell him sometime or another, I just was not sure if I was ready to reenact my nightmare...again. "Jake I don't know if I..." I stuttered. Then I broke down and cried. Jake was hugging me almost automatically, trying to comfort me and trying to get some answers out of me at the same time. "Renesmee, I can not help you if you don not tell me what happened in your nightmare." I forced myself to calm down, and surprisingly it worked. Now all I had to do was tell Jake what had happened. "Jake all I can say is that my nightmare started as a dream, it was not a nightmare at first." I explained. "In my nightmare the Volturi were surrounding me." I started. "It was very foggy at first but then they cleared away the fog and what I saw next I wish I didn't." I said. "What was it?" Jake asked. "Are you sure you want to hear?" I asked him. "I am prepared fir anything." he said. I really hope so I thought. "Well, you had phased to wolf form to try and save both Belle and I from Aro's clutches." I explained. "However, you were tied up and you could not get to us in any way you tried because Aro's guards were beating you." I kept explaining to him my nightmare, but the look on his face made think he wanted ne to stop so I did. "Why did you stop explaining?" he said. "Because, you looked scared, and the last thing I was going to tell you might have been to horrible for you to grasp." I explained. However, I told him anyway. My last words about my nightmare were these: "They were just about to rid the world of Belle when...I woke up." His face was hard to explain, but I knew that the second he looked at Belle that he wanted to do everything in his power to save her...I just had no clue how.

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