Chapter Nine

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Two days ago my baby was taken from me, she was snatched right in front if my eyes and I could do nothing about it. Every night I cried myself to sleep wishing that she would be brought back to us somehow. I spoke to anyone I could think of who would know where she was, or had seen her. Avoiding calls from Charlie and Renee at all costs was hard but it was worth a shot. I could not listen to what they had to say about me running away and such. One day while me and Jake were sitting down in a restaurant maybe about another day away from Volterra, I was debating on whether or not I should ask him about something I was putting off for awhile, something that I believed was needed...marriage. "Jake?" I asked. "Yus?" he answered with his mouth full of spaghetti and meatballs. "Jake, will you marry me?" I said. By the time I had asked him this his mouth was clear enough so that he could give me his charming and to die for Jacob smile. After clearing his throat, he put his hand on my face, looked me in the eyes and said "Yes." then forgetting that there were people around us we kissed. Though, this was no ordinary kiss. It was a kiss that showed how much we truly loved each other, this kiss told the people around us our love story. "Oh my god Jake!" I said. "We have to get going, we only have one day left." I finished. "You are right, who knows what they could have done to Belle by now." he agreed. I started to cry. "Jake I'm scared for her." I whispered to him. "I know baby, I know so am I." he replied. I smiled at Jacob, because, even though I was still sad and I longed for the day I would see Belle again, knowing that I had someone who understood, someone like Jake, I was ok. Before I could get deeply into my thoughts, the cell phone in my pocket started to ring. I picked it up, it was dad. "Renesmee!" he yelled. "Renesmee are you ok?!" he said still yelling and sounding worried. "Yea dad I'm fine, why?" I asked. "Well Alice had a vision that Belle was kidnapped by the Volturi, I was just calling to check in. Also to kind of hope it wasn't true." he said. "Dad I'm sorry but it's true, but I'm fine. Also Jake and I are still on the road because we are trying to track her down." I said. Then before he could say another word I told him. "Dad I proposed to Jake and he said yes. I want to marry him after we get Belle back from the Volturi. Don't argue with me because you are only going to make matters worse. Please dad, I love him...give him a chance. Dint you want to make me happy? Don't you want your baby girl to follow what she wants in life?" I explained. "I'm not angry Renesmee." he said. "I'm happy for you." he added. "Thank you dad." I said. "I'm glad you came around." I added. "No problem Renesmee." he said. "Now, where are you headed now?" he said. "I'm on my way to meet Aro." I said. "Jake is with me and he's going to help me fight Aro and get our baby back." "Dad no matter what may happen, don't follow me!" I told him. "I will come back dad...I promise."

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