Chapter 21: Vacant Casket

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Tears. Sadness. Pain. Revenge. It was like I could sense the emotions wave off of the few people that decided to show up at Kate's funeral. Allison cried, along with her mother. All the guys showed no emotion except one man who stood out. He was Allison's grandfather, I could tell he was obviously sorrowful over the death of his daughter, but he craved revenge more than peace for her.

I watched him wearily, before flicking my attention to a Scott and Stiles hiding behind a tree. Scott watched Allison, being there for her despite the distance between them. Stiles kind of just showed up, I guess, always there for his best friend. He waved at me with a small smile, while I rolled my eyes, but a small smile creeped onto my face. Dean sat next to me, noticing the smile that I quickly wiped off my face once he noticed. He followed my previous gaze over to Stiles, whom he just watched with a shake of his head. Instead of speaking, Dean gave me a hard look before turning back to grieving.

The scene was depressing, but I suppose that was how it is normally supposed to be. I wasn't used to funerals, I've never been to one. I never got close enough to anyone to watch them die. Sad things make you think of sad things, which was the thing I hated most about sitting and watching everyone break down, vulnerability blazing.

My mom was dead, right? All those families out there wondering what happened since my disappearance, not knowing that I found my actual father. Guilt protruded my thoughts, intervening with my eagerness to stay calm. Taking one deep breath after another, I shut my eyes, solely focusing on my breathes to help me get through the feelings that was suddenly suffocating me. Brushing off the fact over all the people I left was easy. I never gave myself a chance to dwell on the facts that followed the statement, if I did, I'd end up a chaotic mess. Right now was turning into one of those moments.

I could feel my eyes change color. This time I accepted it with open arms. Vulnerability was clouding my thoughts and actions, disabling me from fighting back. I couldn't tell which side won over, it was as if my demon and angel have found balance within each other at the moment. Who's fault was it for the death of my mother, if she was dead? Assuming she is, what if Dean is lying? What if he sent me away because he didn't want to deal with a child while he worked the family business, so he came to the solution of giving me up, and killing my mom? Or maybe it was Castiel, who possibly knew the angel that my mother was, and murdered her, but felt the responsibility for caring after me?

Possibilities of what could have happened bombarded my thoughts. Suddenly, I was jolted out of my state by an obnoxious, persistent tapping on my shoulder. "Essence, what are you doing?" Dean asked slowly, as if in a trance. Opening my gaze, I could hear the rough concrete rub against each other as the casket started to tip over. "That's not me," I assured him half-heartedly. Allison's gaze clashed with mine accusingly, as I focused on stopping the casket. Stop. Stop. Stop. I repeated over and over, but nothing worked. I flinched as the clatter of the casket fell off the two white podiums which helped withstand it.

Creeping my eyes back open slowly, I noticed the glossy white casket was vacant, Kate wasn't inside. Everyone looked around at each other, as I diverted my gaze to make sure my eyes were back to normal. Someone was about to have a lot of explaining to do.  


690 Words 

Two chapters updated in one day! Yay!

What do you think of the whole empty casket incident? This was before they were about to bury the body and everything, so she wasn't cremated or anything.

I hope you are enjoying this so far! Please comment and vote your thoughts! 


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