Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I sat on a fallen log as trees surrounded me. A sparrow had landed on a branch near my head, shaking its little head.
I took my sketch book that I had placed beside me and opened it to the next empty page. I roughly sketched the outline of its small body and head, staying as quiet as I could be. The sound of other birds filled my ears making the little sparrow turn its head. It chirped in response then jumped off the branch before I could finish.
"No wait," I said turning in its direction. But instead of founding the bird, I spotted my Father.
He had an apologetic face but I really didn't mind.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean -," he sighed when he realised that I wasn't upset. Sticks cracked under his feet, as he walked carelessly to the log.
"It's beautiful out here, did you see the robin over there," he said pointed to a branch a foot away from us.
"Yeah, Pa I did."
His smile was soft as he realised that I knew why he was here.
"Why is there such a fuss for me to get married all of a sudden? I'm only twenty-five."
"I was your age when I got married, your mother had only just turned twenty-one."
I shook my head feeling frustrated. I still didn't understand the fuss when there hasn't been any for years. Not even a hint of the question. When do you feel like getting married?
"How about you go to London?" He suggested.
"Just listen, get away for a week maybe more. Go check out all the charities that we sponsor. See Big Ben. Clear your head."
I frowned, "clear my head? Pa, my head is clear. I mean all I think about is birds and -."
"Yes that's all you think about, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing," he quickly added, "in a couple of years, you will be owner of the estate. You can study your birds, for now. But..." He sighed. I knew he didn't feel like pushing the subject. He stood and started to walk in the direction of the house.
The thought of running the estate weighed on my mind every single day. But my studies of birds couldn't wait. None of it could wait.

The smell of cigars filled the hotel room, as I ran my hands up and down his silk black shirt. The fabric wrinkled under my hands and I could feel his abbs underneath the thin material. He flexed his muscles as if putting them on show for me when I ran my hand lower till I was cupping him in my hand. My other hand slid like a snake into his dress pocket and felt the roll of notes. Sucking on his neck, was like a thank you.
I unbutton his shirt and then rolled so that I was on top of him and pinning his arms above his head. His gaze stayed on my beasts as I started to grind against his hard pelvis. I was always amazed how quickly a man would react to this move. It meant that we would be done quicker.
"Oh, baby, you're so big," I purred against his chest, filling him come alive beneath me.
"Oh Snow," he groaned.
I ran my hands down his arms, his torso to his pants button. A cheeky grin spread across my face when I saw him, so ready for me. I always got giddy when a saw a man in his pride. The way they seem to smile as if they were proud of what I saw. But now every penis all looked the same.
"Oo, you really are a big boy," I purred again.
"Do you have it?" I asked licking up his body.
He groaned.
I shot up, not wanting to go any further, "You know my rule. No condom, no deal."
He groaned again rolling over a little so that he could reach the bed side table. I watched him carefully as he took a condom from a box and handed it to me. I tore it open and slid it on like I had done many, many times before.
"Now," I purred, running my fingers down his torso, "Where were we?"
The image of Victoria begging for life got me through this. Got me through the fake orgasm noises, dealing with a stranger's hands all over my body, the sickening feeling afterwards. Just to have that thought, everything seemed worth it.
I woke up in the dark. The man's large body lied next to me, asleep. Must have been a body builder. Everything on his body was muscle. I could still feel him between my legs.
I fought back the urge to be sick as I crawled out from under the sheets. The red numbers on the digital clock glowed giving me little light. It was three o'clock. As I found my clothes and thought about my options. Stay here till six o'clock or leave now.
I headed towards the door. I stopped and frowned. Something had caught my eye. Something had - I spotted the shining shiver metal of the room key. I looked back to the man that slept in the bed. I had two options. Forget it and leave, or take, and I can have a place to shower with hot water instead of the old caravan park. I took the key.

Chapter 3
"I can't believe your leaving me," Blake whined as he lied out on my bed. His arms lied behind his head, surround by pillows.
"I'm not leaving you, I'm going away," I said as I through clothes into a bag.
"Yeah, tell me why again because I don't completely understand it."
I took the books that sat on my shelf and through them in the bag.
"Pa thinks that I should get away and clear my head. His exact words were, Go check out all the charities that we sponsor. See Big Ben," I did the last bit with my best father accent making Blake laugh, "There's no arguing with them anymore."
"Well, London is pretty cool. You should totally stay at the Park Plaze."
"No I'm staying at this place named the Cottage Hotel."
Blake groaned, "It sounds like a place a guy would take a hooker."
I shrugged ignoring him.
"It was Ma's idea. She said that it had good housekeeping."
Zipping up the bag, I through it on the floor beside my bed. I really didn't want to do this. Why was I doing this?
"So when do you leave?" he asked.
"I catch a plane tomorrow afternoon, get to London at two the following morning. Be at the hotel at three. Fun."
He chuckled again.
"You know what really sucks, they're starting to do the whole you need to be married speech."
"Oh yeah I hate that. Have they given you the you're going to be running the estate one day speech?"
I nodded, "what do you think got me in this mess in the first place."
Blake was also heir to his estate and his parents were always pressuring to learn more about the estate. But that's when he would run away to London. It will come back and bite him on the arse one day.
"Hey I better go, but call me when you get there," Blake said getting off my bed. I nodded as he left.
Flopping back on the bed, I sighed. I really didn't want to do this.

Back then, I didn't realize that this trip would change my life forever.

The sun shone on my pale face as I leaned back against the stone wishing well. It was a urge round stone well, that had stone steps to get onto the platform around it.
I heard kids laughing behind me, and the sound of a coin dropping into the water. The echoes of their laughter stayed long after they left making me feel like I was going crazy.
I twisted my signet ring that sat on my middle finger. It was the only thing that was left of my old life. It was the only thing I kept.
I shook the thought away.
Birds sung in the branches above making me lean back and smile. I had studied Ornithology all throughout high school all the way up to that day. I was so intrigue by birds since I was a kid.
Father had always told the story, when him and Mother took me outside for the first time when I was a baby. They said that birds had gathered on branches as if they were waiting for me to do something. As if I controlled them.
A mocking bird landed on a branch, whistling a tune. I whistled the tune, listening till he copied me. A smile seemed to spread across my face as it did.
I whistled the tune in a higher octave and almost laughed when it copied me. I had always felt a connection with birds. People had a connection with horses, some with kids, me with birds.
Another mocking bird landed next to him. They had a conversation and forgot about me.
I scoffed, "That's fine, I thought we had a thing. But I guess you're like every other man in this stupid city."
I stood and headed across the green field. The clicky clack of my boots on the cement filled my ears as I walked down the path and past the shops.
The warmth of a heater hit my face as I walked into the store.
Candy bars and chips lined the shelves as did newspapers and key rings. I combed my finger through my hair to get it out of my face only for it to fall in exactly the same spot. I heard a bell ring as a man entered the shop as well. As he moved to the counter, I moved over to the shelves. I heard him and the store clerk talk about something and I knew this was my opportunity. I causally ran my hands over the candy bars and keeping my eyes on the store clerk, I slipped one into my pocket of my stolen trench coat. Those St Vincent de Paul clothes bin never saw it coming.
I turned around, pretending to look through magazine pages.
"Isn't it getting cold now?" the store clerk said to the customer.
"Yeah, I feel sorry for all those poor devils living on the streets."
I wanted to turn around and hit the guy over the head. As if he would know what it felt like. I knew I didn't. I didn't even think about the people with no homes till I became one.
As they continued to talk, I walked over to other candy rack. Repeating the same moves, it found its way into my pocket. I scratched the back of my head, looking for my next item.
"Is that all?" the store clerk asked.
I was running out of time. Just one more thing, just one more – I spotted it. Another candy bar, in the corner of the shop. I quickly snagged it just as the man took his change from the counter.
I looked around the shelves again and then looked disappointed as if what I was looking for wasn't there and causally walked out of the shop as if I hadn't just stolen three candy bars.

Snow and the Wishing Well (Fallen Tales series)Where stories live. Discover now