Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Wake up Sarah.
The sound of my father's voice played in my mind.
Wake up darling
The sound if my mother's sweet voice sent shivers down my spine.
I shot awake when I heard Victoria's voice.
I frowned at feeling of soft sheets on my bare skin. I was in my underwear? In Justin's hotel room. Oh my god. Did I sleep with Justin?
Damn it, damn it. Oh God, please tell me he didn't pay. Oh what he must think of me.
I jumped when the door opened, quickly grabbing the doona to cover myself.
Justin emerged with two cups of coffee and his clothes barely on him. He wore a smile on his face that made my heart melt but my mind panic. All guys smile after sex.
"Hey, you're finally awake," he said handing me one of the coffees.
I sat up a bit, not letting the doona fall. I felt a shot up my leg forcing me to yelp in pain.
"Ohh, yeah I thought that would hurt in the morning," he stated climbing into bed next to me.
Did we do something crazy last night? Thoughts flooded into my mind but nothing matches what the facts were. I'm in Justin's bed so why do I remember snow.
"Ahh, Justin, what happened last night?" I asked, "All I remember is that fight in front of the police station."
"Oh, ahh, well I don't know what happened exactly, but I found you at the wishing well covered in snow."
And then I remembered. Like a lightning bolt had hit me. I remember the cold, the wind, the snow, the wishing well. Another lightning bolt hit me.
"You found me," my voice came out light and breathless.
He smiled, and I saw that spark in his eyes, "of course I did, Sarah. I'm sorry that I turned my back on you. I promise I will never do that to you again."
I smiled looking into those beautiful eyes, my heart pounding.
When the thought I was going to kiss him, I changed my mind and knelt my head on his shoulder. He chuckled taking my hand in his.
Another thought came into my mind.
"Did you undress me?" I asked looking at him.
He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again.
"I didn't look, I promise," he pledged.
"Oh God," I groaned. When I began to think about it, I began to laugh.
Frowning, he asked, "what?"
"You are the first guy to see me naked that didn't have to pay," I told him as if proud.
"Well, technically you're not naked."
"Bras and panties count as naked. It does where I come from."
I didn't realise what I had said till I had said it. That's when I went into panic mode.
"Wow it's getting late," I said almost leaping out of the bed. I bit my lip trying to ignore the pain running up and down my leg.
Climbing into my jeans, Justin sighed, "no, Sarah, stop hiding. You have an upper class accent."
I froze, thinking of something to say.
"No I don'" I said in a more middle class accent.
"Ha," he laughed mocking me, "and the death of the Lord two years ago."
My heart stopped, my blood ran cold.
"What? How?" My voice was high and squeaky.
"I looked up Willow Tree Abby on the Internet."
"What did you found out?"
My heart was pounding unnecessary and my eyes grew wide with nerves.
He only shrugged, "just came up with something about the Lord and how he died in his sleep."
As he continued anger started to boil up inside of me.
He was murdered! When will people start to realise that. My father was taken before his time. He was taken away from me.
When he had finished, I was burning inside.
"That was a total violation of my privacy!" I yelled.
He stood as if challenging me.
"How else am I supposed to find out stuff about you?" He asked.
"Uhh, you wait till I tell you."
"But you don't tell me anything, that's the thing Sarah. You won't let anyone know anything about you unless you want them to know!"
"Well what do you want to know huh? I'm not an open book like you are. You are -."
I didn't realised what was happening till I felt Justin's lips on mine. I was so surprised that I was frozen. One of his hands cupped my nap as the other was planted against my tailbone. I groaned giving in wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling him bringing me closer to him.
I jumped back when there was a knock on the door.
"Housekeeping," a lady said in a sweet voice.
Reality hit me like a ton of bricks.
I couldn't be with him. I had to get enough money so that I could buy back my land and home.
Looking up at Justin face and by the hurt in his eyes I knew he could read my mind. I peeled away from his arms and gathered my clothes. My shirt was barely around me when I left. The hardest part was that I could still feel his lips on mine even when I got out side to the cold freezing world. 

Chapter 27
I was speechless. I didn't know what to stay.
I could still taste her mouth, the feel of her tongue against mine. She had asked what I wanted and it wasn't till then that I realized that I wanted her.
I sat at the Starbucks that was a block away from the hotel. It was like the snow storm never happened. The only part of the city that still had snow were the parks, and shadowed pavements. The rest had been washed away by the rain. But the streets were full again with people and cars. As well as the Starbucks.
I leaned on the wall, waiting for my name to be called. There was a line for coffee and people sat on the lounge. It was loud and there were clangs in the kitchen.
"Justin Carter!" the boy said behind the counter.
I smiled pacing towards him. I thanked him taking my coffee.
A cold breeze greeted me when I got outside and joined the crowed as I walked down the street. Just as I got to the traffic lights, my phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey, I thought you had died," I smiled at the sound of Blake's voice, "your Ma's totally freaking out. She's like, left me six, oh messages," I chuckled, "Dude call her."
"I've tried," I lied, "last time I called her, she hung up on me."
"What did you do?" he asked as I walked across the road.
Which was true. I had done nothing wrong. She was the one that put that note in my book. Did she want me to find my birth mother? If she did, why was she so upset when I called and asked?
I sighed, "Can you tell her that I'm fine and that I'll call her later."
"Sure," he mocked me.
As I continued down the street he asked, "So what have you been doing? Met anyone yet?"
I sighed, stopping in my track.
"I don't know," I told him.
I could practically see him frowning, "What? Have you?"
"It's complicated," I groaned.
"What's complicated? Boy meets girl, boy takes girl out of a lovely dinner in hope that he might –."
"Blake," I stopped.
"Right, sorry. So tell me about her."
I smiled at the thought of Sarah. Her dark hair, deep brown eyes, rosy red lips, fair skin.
"There's not much to tell," I stated.
"Come on, Justin, your dating her. She must be something different."
I sighed, "Well, she's different I'll say that much."
"So what's complicated then?" he asked, "Oh God, she's married."
"A man."
I frowned, "What? No."
"She's a –."
"Blake, stop!" I yelled.
"Alright, alright."
"Look I got to go," I quickly said.
"Okay, fine, call your Ma."
"Fine, bye," I hung up before he could say anymore.
I hated just how fast my heart was beating. Just the very thought of Sarah made my heart race a million miles. I wanted her and I knew it. But I never knew what she wanted.

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