Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
I hadn't seen Snow in a week. It made me worry if she was okay. I mean, how did the night go with...Michael. But when it comes to contacting each other, the ball was always in her court.
As I paced around my room, my mind staying on Snow. Where was she, how was she, why hadn't I seen her in a week? Why hadn't she – I stopped.
My eyes landed on the piece of paper that sat on top of my book that I had been neglecting ever since I found it. Abbigail Hornbrook.
The name seemed so familiar in my head, but I couldn't make a face to the name or how I even knew it. Abbigail Hornbrook.
Had she worked for us? Was that how I knew her? Was she maid? Clearly she didn't work for us now, but why would Ma write her name on a piece of paper and stick it in my book. It didn't make sense.
I took the piece of paper and my coat from the bed, then headed the door.

The town library was almost empty, with only a few readers at the tables. The room was cut up into threes. The first one was at the edge of the building where shelves of books lined the walls  and sat in rows. Second one was, the seating area in the middle. And third was computers on the other side of the building.
I spotted the girl at the counter. She smiled when she spotted me.
"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked warmly.
"Ahh, the computers, are they right to be used?"
"Of course. They're all free, so take your pick."
Before she went back to her computer, I asked, "Yeah why is that?"
She chuckled as if I was joking, "Where have you been, winter's coming. They say it's going to snow next week."
I nodded politely then headed towards the computers. I picked the one in the corner, furthest away from everything. Logging on, I clicked on the internet symbol and typed ABBIGIAL HORNBROOK into goggle.
It came up with little.
A few newspaper articles, job ads, nothing that told me who she was or how I knew her, or if I knew her. I sighed rubbing my forehead, frustrated. Why did my Ma hang up when I asked about the name?
I turned my heard towards the window. My eyes widen when I spotted Snow looking into the window. Her face matched mine when she realized I had seen her. She took off before I could even realize what had just happened.
"No, damn it," I grunted as I sprinted for the door. 
She was far way ahead of me but not out of my reach. I sprinted after her, trying to dodge the few people that were on the street. She started to slow down clearly out of breath, but I was just getting started. The space between as seemed to close, enough so that I could grab her upper arm.
"What – the hell?" I said trying to catch my breath.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to –."
"Didn't mean to what? What the hell Snow? You wanted my advice at the lingerie shop and then you ignore me for a week."
She kept sending me mix signals and I was growing more and more frustrated.
"I couldn't see you again afterwards, I couldn't –."
She couldn't even look me in the eye. She ran her hand through her hair, trying to avoid my stare.
"So it wasn't...good," I shrugged.
"What do you think?" she snapped, "Of course it wasn't good, none of it is. Not every can be as charming as you."
"Then why do you do it then!" I didn't mean to yell.
"To survive!"
Even though I had expected that answer, I was still taken back.
"You think, having a stranger's hands all over my body is fun? You think, stripping off all my clothes so that a man can feel good? You think that the sickening, embarrassing feeling the next morning is so joyful? You think –."
"Okay I get it," I said stopping her. I didn't need to feel worse than I already do.
Then I saw it. That little bit of fear in her eyes. She didn't just need a friend, she needed someone that she could trust.
I cupped my hands over her cheeks. She slightly shook her head but her eyes found their way to mine. They sparkled in the small light as tears formed in them, but not one drop broke the barrier.
"What's your name?" I asked.
She frowned, "You know my name."
"Your real name."
She froze, turning her eyes away.
"That is my name now."
Inches away from her lips, I asked, "What is your name?"
She bit her lip, and I knew I was wearing her down.
"Sarah," she answered. I looked into her eyes, surprised, "My name is Sarah."

Justin and I sat in the edge of the well, as we thought things through.
"I felt ashamed, I guess. That's way I avoided you," I admitted to him. My heart was still racing from the alleyway.
He was the first person who knew my real name since I came to London. I needed to trust that he could keep my secret. Even if it meant opening up a little bit.
"Why didn't you tell me your real name?" He asked.
"Have been going by Snow ever since I moved to London two years ago."
He frowned, "why?"
I bit my lip and swallowed, trying to think of an excuse.
"I needed a new start."
More like forced into it.
Taking his hands in mine, I looked him in the eyes.
"Justin, you can never tell people my real name."
I watched his eyes skim over my features, seeing if I was lying.
"I don't unders -."
"And can never know," I pressed, "I have trusted you with my name and now you have to trust me."
When he didn't say anything, I added, "Can you trust me?"
He turned his face away making me even more anxious to hear his answer. Had I just made a horrible mistake?
"I don't know why you would have to hide but okay. If it means that much to you, I can keep your secret. Sarah," he whispered taking my breath away. I hadn't been called that for years, and to hear it from his lips was breath taking.
"You have no idea how good it is to hear that name," I admitted to him. He smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth. There was a spark in his eyes that made my hard shell soften.
"I'm here for you, you know that right?" he said slightly squeezing my hands.
I swallowed, my voice abandoning me.
So he added, "I wish, that Sarah would trust me."
Would trust me it echoed.
With a smirk, he said, "it is a wishing well."
I shielded my face by my hair, forcing me to flick it away and giggle. Was I flirting with him?
"I do trust you, Justin. More than anyone I've ever met."
He seemed happy with that response.
There was sound of a bird nearby, making me smile at the sound of a mocking bird.
"I love the sound of a mocking bird," I said closing my eyes and taking in the smell of winter.
"Did you see the bird?" his question confused me.
I opened my eyes and looked at his puzzled face.
"No, I heard it," I said point to the sky.
He was dumfounded, "h-how did you know that? I've been studying Ornithology for years. H-how did you know that?" he repeated again.
Now it was my turn to be surprised. Justin had studied Ornithology as well. Did we have more in common than I thought?
But then my blood ran cold. He couldn't know that I had to.
"Ahh, I-I read it somewhere," I lied horribly.
"Where?" he asked.
Come one, Sarah, think.
"Ah, at a bus stop."
"Why do I feel like you're lying?" he asked.
"I'm not lying."
"What ever happened to, I trust you Justin."
I groaned giving in, "Fine. My father was a butler at an estate called Willow Tree Abby not far from Seven Hills. Being a good friends with the owners of the estate they offered me good schooling, where I fell in love with Ornithology."
He laughed a sad laugh that made me frown.
"Nothing, don't worry about it."
Just as he went to stand, I took his hand in mine.
"Now who doesn't trust the other?"
He sighed but he didn't look me in the eye. Whatever was on his mind was a struggle for him? I've seen that look in mirror thousands of times. He held a secret.
"I just know what it feels like to be taken under someone's wing," he stated.
"What's that –?"
"I've gotta go," he said slipping out of my fingers and walking away from me.
What secret did he have that hurt him so much? He seemed almost...ashamed.

Snow and the Wishing Well (Fallen Tales series)Where stories live. Discover now