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One year and five months later
The afternoon sun, shone through the bathroom window, making everything around us light up. Water lapped at my sides as Justin's hands ran down my back and thighs. His lips pressed hard on my neck, making me want to moan with each lick of his tongue. It was so hard to make me feel sexy these days, but this always did it.
I lied back, out of breath, letting my body float in the water.
It was exactly how I pictured it. My husband and I, in my free-standing bath. Though we've already done the hard part.
Justin ran his hand over my big, round, five month baby bump, giving me as much pleasure as his lips to my neck did.
I looked around the room, still not quite believing that I was in here. Even after a year, I couldn't come to terms with the fact that this was all mine and that no one was going to take it away from me.
The bathroom was quite large. With a double shower by the wall, a toilet, basin, the bath of course, and two large windows that looked out onto the estate. But even with the windows, it felt like we were the last two people in the world.
"I love you, you know that right?" Justin said braking my thoughts.
Actually he told me often. I guess I wasn't the only one that feared of losing each other.
"I do actually, because you tell me when we go to bed, when we wake up, when you see me in the hall," Justin sat up and placed both hands on the side of my belly.
"See Dustin, your Ma thinks she's funny but she's really not," he whispered.
"Don't brain wash my son," I said playfully slapping him.
"Your son, I'm pretty sure there's a part of me that's in there to."
I titling my head, I said, "are you going to be giving birth?"
He paused thinking, "It would really freak you out if I said yes, wouldn't it."
I fell into a ball of giggles as Justin's lips found their way back to mine again. So perfect and tender with every touch. When he pulled away, I groaned.
"Do you have to go to Locksley Manner tomorrow?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"Come on Sarah, we've talk about this."
I groaned again, "I know, but I hate it when you leave."
"I'll be back by the afternoon and you never feel up to driving anyway."
I sighed knowing that he was right.
After our wedding, we had figured out a plan on how we were going to run our estates. Because Willow Tree Abby needed to most work at the moment, we would live there and Justin would travel back to Locksley Manner at least once a week or when his Pa needed him. Once his father couldn't work by himself anymore and Willow Tree Abby was up and working again, we would take it in turns each year where we would live and the other person would drive back and forth from the other. We didn't think it was a great plan but it would have to work for now.
"How's Blake and Nicola?" I asked as I rested my head in the crook of Justin's shoulder.
"Fine, Blake said that they can't wait to do another double date again."
I smiled at the thought. Nicola was a nice girl and suited Blake well. She made him less crazy.
"As long as they can put up me," I stated joking.
"Well Nicola seem pretty interested in your baby talk but I think Blake and I will go do something else."
I playfully hit him again, but froze when I felt something in my stomach.
"What, what is it?" Justin asked panicking.
My mouth dropped and my eyes grew wide as I realized, "He's kicking, quick, quick."
I took his hand and placed it where I had felt it. Justin waited then chuckled when he felt it. I had felt him kick a couple of times, but it was always amazing when he did.
Justin and I had begun to make I lives together, like Victoria had promised. I didn't give her the money, I had eaten the apple, thought I had taken the easy road out. But nothing had ever been easy.
Not even now. Raising our son, wouldn't be easy, but we would get by. We always did.
Like my mother, I had made a wish at the wishing well in the garden. I wished that I would never be separated from my family. If that was Justin, our son, Heather, Gina and Arron or even my home. I wouldn't repeat the worse three years of my life. But I wouldn't take it back either. The bad parts brought me the good parts. My wish came true and brought me my Prince Charming. And I will always remember the girl that once was Snow White.


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