Chapter 48

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Chapter 48
Dinner was similar to breakfast. Justin's parents sat at each end of the table as Justin sat across from me. One by one, Harper gave us our plates with a well done roast. As Gina and Aaron became in deep conversation like they had this morning I began to notice the little looks Harper and Justin gave to each other. It was as if they shared an inside joke between them about Justin's parents. And I could see why. Though Gina was a caring person, I could see how she could be over the top. Little things worried her and she seem obsessed with other people's problems and determined to fix them. No wonder they sent Justin to find Abbigail. Aaron was the opposite cancelling out her craziness. Aaron was calm and thought rashly about everything he did. He suited her well, though I'm sure people didn't see it. They seemed to know each so well. Well enough that they would probably finish each other's sentences. I looked up and watched Justin cut a piece of lamb off the bone. I wondered if we would ever be like that.
After diner, we all went our separate ways. Aaron and Gina to the library I'm sure and Justin and I to his bedroom. I sighed when Justin shut the door, creating a barrier between us and the rest of the house. I watched him like a hawk as he walked around to the other side of the bed and jumped on it. He lazily through an arm on top of me, not taking notice to where it landed.
I giggled at him, turning my body to face him. I pecked at his lips till finally his lips took mine. I found myself moaning when we hadn't even started. Just the simple movements like his hand sliding up my shirt and my leg rubbing against his hips.
"How did you – enjoy – your first day – at – Locksley Manner?" he asked between kisses.
I shifted on top of him, clawing at the collar of his shirt.
"I don't know," I admitted.
He frowned pulling back.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Well, I thought I was going to be in London till I had enough money. And Victoria found me."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm trying to say, how long will it be before she finds me here," he groaned as if he didn't believe that I was bringing this up again.
"Sarah –."
"When I was in Hackney, I found Steve and he warned me not to trust anyone," I told him.
He looked at me as if he didn't care, "So?"
"So, who can I trust?"
"Well, for starters, me."
I looked up with a dumb look.
"And no one around here knows who you are."
"For how long?" I asked, "Seven Hills is three hours away from Carlisle, that's five hours away from here. My family wasn't exactly hiding in the shadows."
He raised his hands, giving up.
"I don't know, but isn't hiding better then running?"
I shrugged, "I don't know. I just, I'm too scared to find out."
"Why?" He asked tugging a lock of hair behind my ear.
I sighed, "Because I know, if I run, you will follow me."
"So," he said before I could finish.
"So, I would be making you run away from everything that you love. And I –," I froze, "And I know what that feels like."
"Oh Sarah," he sighed, cupping my cheek, "The only reason I would be leaving my home is because I love you and I can't stand to live without you."
I took his lips in mine before he could speak again. Cupping the back of my thighs, he turned so that I was underneath him. I felt my jeans come off my legs as I pulled off my shirt. Justin returned to me, kissing my neck, unclothed. I held his pelvis close to mine as we continued to rock. I gasped when I felt him entered me. God he felt so good. With his hands cupping and squeezing my breasts, his lips on mine, slightly nibbling at my lips and him between my legs, the pressure began to grow. I clawed at his shoulders, probably scratching him, but I didn't care. His moans filled my mouth as mine filled his and I became obsessed thinking the thought that every breath that I took had once been in his body. Just keep going. I wanted to scream. Just keep going till we can't go anymore.

Chapter 49
"This is a stupid idea," Sarah stated as we stood on a hill that over looked the Beaker's farm. We were a few miles from the house but I knew no one would be able to find us here.
"You said that you're scared about someone coming for you, again. So you need to know some self-defence."
Sarah looked at the old boxing gloves on her hands, still unsure about the idea. Honestly, I was half doing it for me. If I thought that she could protect herself then I wouldn't be so worried all the time.
"You have to know that I have never even had boxing gloves on my hands let alone box with them," she told me.
"Just aim for the circles," I said raising my mitts in front of my chest.
She through a slow sloppy punch barely connecting with the mitt.
I looked at her dumbly.
"Is that the best you can do?" I asked.
She shrugged.
"Come on Sarah, get into it," I said getting more aggressive.
She tried an again a little bit harder.
"Come on, harder!" I yelled.
"Huh," she groaned using more force.
"That's it, hard!"
"Huh!" she groaned finally getting into it.
"Think of every sick guy you ever slept with!"
"How did they make you feel?" I asked.
"Disgusting!" She yelled, her punching getting harder.
"What else!"
Finally I could feel the force of her punches.
"And Victoria, what does Victoria make you feel?" I yelled.
"What else!"
"What else?"
Punch, punch, punch, punch.
Before I could even react, I felt a hit to my jaw. My mouth tastes like copper as blood started to rush to my cheek.
It wasn't till I saw Sarah's pissed off face as she started to throw off the gloves that I gathered that she had punched me. I was too focused on why she had punched me to realise that she was walking away.
"Wait, Sarah!" I called stumbling for the gloves as I chased after her.
"I told you this was a bad idea, I told you!" she yelled making me stop.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said –."
"Damn right you shouldn't have!"
I started to grow frustrated with her. My intension were right, she shouldn't be angry.
"Is it so wrong of me to be worried about you? Your stepmother would do anything to see you dead, including send a-a hit man to kill your one and only friend in London. Is it so wrong for me to want you to be able to protect yourself?"
I saw the guilt wash over her face like a splash of water. She lowered her head and stumped her foot on the ground.
"I'm sorry," she muttered.
"It's okay," I told her truly meaning it.
I took a step towards her, taking her hands in mine. She brushed her cheek against mine, as I whispered, inches from her lips, "You'll just have to find a way to make it up to me,"
"Do you have any ideas?" she asked moving closer to my lips. I could feel her breath in my mouth.
"I don't know, you should give me some inspiration."
Her lips locked to mine giving me all the inspiration I needed. It didn't matter what it was as long as she was in them.

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