Chapter 1

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I stood up and quickly threw my clothes on, I can't believe I did this again! In some guy's bed, I don't even know who he is. Why can't I be like normal girls who goes after those romantic type of guys?

I left the house and started walking down Canvass Road, I have to walk for at least two hours, I live on the other side of town. How was I supposed to make it back home in time for class tomorrow, or which would be in six hours!

I look up at the dark sky, the air was thick and it was starting to get a little chilly. I should've at least worn a coat and not a stupid leather jacket with tiny black shorts and a dark blue lace shirt, and these black boots aren't going to keep me warm either.

I finally made it to Galton Street when a saw a nice black mustang pull up in front of me. I looked around to see where the person would be going and I see a street light and a cross walk. I started to walk, but then stopped after the first step.

The window started to roll down and I felt the first rain drop fall on the tip of my nose. "Going anywhere?" I looked up to see a man with nice cheekbones. Of course it's a man, it's always a man! I walked up to the car. "Um, no it's ok. But thanks anyway."

"I'm sure where you're going you won't get there fast enough on foot." I just stood there and gave a half smile, then quickly walked around the car and down the street. Although he does have a point, I turned around to see if he was still there, but of course he was gone, I didn't even get his name.

I was now walking in the drizzling rain and it was five A.M, how am I supposed to make it home in time? I started to walk a little faster, the faster I walked the harder it rained. I tried running, but the boots only hurt my feet worse. I finally gave up and just started walking normally.

Although I could always take the train, I reached into my pocket and took out the money I stole from my last seduction. It had to at least been three hundred or something. I walked up to the booth and asked for a ticket to Carrousel Lane. I went to train number A 34 and sat in the way back.

I examined the whole train, there was only three people, a mother and daughter and a guy in a business suit. The daughter was happy sponging in circles around the pole. "You keep practicing you'll get a ton of money." I said as I winked, the mother got angry and got off the train with her daughter.

I sat there and stared at the man, but he was nose deep in his phone to notice me. The vibrations of the train made jump a little, I put my head back and enjoyed the feeling, was like mini vibraters. I closed my eyes and softly moaned as I rubbed my left breast.

I heard a women's voice over the speaker: "Cherry Road and Icemen Street". I quickly opened my eyes and saw the man stand up, he turned to pick up his suit case and glanced at me, I winked and bit my lip. He smiled and handed me his business card.

I've never gotten a business card before. I put it in my pocket as some more people entered the train. As the train started to move I felt the vibrations. I wanted to put my hand in my shorts so badly, but I couldn't.

I looked over and saw some girls who looked like they were about fifteen or sixteen. I stood up and walked towards them, I slightly brushed passed. Lightly putting my palm on one of there butts I swiped it across.
I looked back to see if she felt it, but she showed no emotion and they continued their conversation.

I stepped off the train, finally made it to Carrousel Lane. I quickly ran inside my apartment and blow dried my hair and put on some black leggings and an oversized pink sweater and some brown boots. And threw on a ink scarf, I sprayed myself with perfume, grabbed my purse and headed towards the campus.

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