Chapter 4

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I sat up and looked at Austin- who was asleep then my watch. It's only Saturday, I'm so sleepy. I stood up and put my clothes back on, then reached into Austin's wallet and took out some money. This fucker is broke, he only has five bucks?!

I quietly opened the door and walked out, then I remembered yesterday and how lost I was. I turned around and saw the janitor and followed him outside. I walked down the street back to my apparent, there was a note attached to my door reminding me that I still had to pay rent, I fucked  Chad so that I wouldn't have to pay. I angrily opened the door and slammed it shut when I came in.

"Where've you been ?" I looked over at the couch. "Jason? What are you still doing here?" He stood up and walked over to me. "I'm not sure I don't even remember what happened." I looked at my messy livingroom. "Well for one thing there's wine and alcohol bottles everywhere."

He was rubbing his head and had a bag of ice on it. "I'll see you later." I watched him walk out the door. "Jason wait, I like you." He turned to look at me, then walked over to me. "I like you too Valentine." He put his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder. "How about a nice date tonight? Like a restaurant?" He smiled. "I would very much like that." I closed the door behind him as he left.

I took a garbage bag from the kitchen and filled it with the empty bottles. And I vacuumed the floor, dusted the couch, wiped the tv down. I threw my self on the couch, I was exhausted, I took the febreze bottle from in the cabinet beside the couch and sprayed the room, then I threw the can on the floor and fell asleep.

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Dr. Klein, shit! I never went to see him. I immediately stood up, sprayed some perfume all over me and ran out. I had walked to the subway so I can take the train into downtown.

I went for the back and sat down, I looked around and I saw a lot of couples with kids. I haven't had good sex in like forever. I put my head back and closed my eyes, I felt someone touching my right breast. I opened my eyes and looked down. It was toddler, I moved his hand and went to another seat, it felt good being touched by someone with little hands.

I hopped off the train when we finally made it to downtown. I went into the building and down to Dr. Klein's office. "Hi, Valentine. How are you doing this morning?" I just stood and smiled. "Come in, close the door." I closed the door and walked over to a chair and sat down.

"What can I do for you?" I was looking around then I looked back at him. I reached for his tie and twisted it around my fingers. "Valentine? Is something wrong?" I shook my head, I don't understand why I was feeling shy.

He took my hand and looked at me, I stared into his bright blue eyes. He had blonde hair and a small beard that was also blonde. I kissed his cheek and stood up to leave.

"Valentine, wait. He walked over to me and pushed me into the wall and passionately kissed me. I felt his tongue in my mouth, playing with my piercing. He picked me up and thew me on the couch and took my dress off he layed me on my stomach. "What are you doing?" "Punishing you."

He reached for the whip and started whipping me, then he bit my cheeks. I took the pillow and bit it really hard. Then I felt his cock go inside me, I moaned loud as he pumped and pumped. He pulled my hair as he continued pumping, then he pulled me up and bit my nipples, I screamed. "Sshh please don't scream so loud."

I was laying on my back facing him, he started jerking off letting the cum fall into my mout. "Swallow it." I did as I was told. Then he put his cock in my mouth, I bit the tip and licked it. He took a candle and lit, then let the wax fall onto me. I moaned and stopped sucking, he put the candle near my clit, shoved it inside me.

"It hurts so good, yes." I said as I screamed and close my eyes and felt the burning sensation. Then he stopped and started biting my clit, he pulled my hair as he was eating it. "You hungry?" He looked at me and said "Very, this food is delicious." When he was finished he bent me over on his knee and spanked me really hard. "You're turning red." I heard him say, then I felt something cold. He was applying some cream to my cheeks.

I stood up and put my clothes on, he stood up and kissed me, he spit in my mouth after he kissed me. "I need some cash to get back home." He looked at me and handed me five bucks and some pills. "What are these?" "Birth control pills." He opened the door to escort me out, I gave a half smile and walked out, he shouted "See you next week."

I've never felt so good I confidently walked back to the subway and got on the train to go back home. I saw a little girl get on the train and a woman with her who looked like she could be her mother. She was covered in glitter and smelled like drugs, she had a wig on and a bathrobe. She must be a stripper and probably came back from work. She layed down and put a blindfold on and some headphones and slept. Her daughter sat next to me.

"There's other seats you know, we're the only ones on the train." She looked at me and smiled "I know, I like your dress, it's a pretty blue." "Thanks." I smiled at her she had long blonde hair and pretty green eyes. "I'm nine years old and my mom is a hoe." I just nervously smiled. "Okay."

"I'm Emma, what's your name?" "Valentine." "I like Valentine's day, me and my boyfriend has sex on Valentine's day."  "Sex? You're way to young to do that." "I know but my mommy says it's best if I loose my virginity early." "How old is your boyfriend?" "He's sixteen, and has a big cock. Have you had sex with a nine year old?" "No, I'm pretty sure that's illegal."

She stared at me and took my hand, and asked me, "Can I touch you?" I nodded and let her rub her hands on my legs. I started to moan as she took my thongs off. And I felt her tiny fingers in my pussy, playing with my clit. "You like that?" She asked as I nodded. I unzipped my dress to let her play with me.

She squeezed my breasts really hard, "I like you're nipples and the piercings." She licked and sucked them, I rubbed her back all the way down her panties. She moaned and kissed my lips softly, "Finger me." I put two fingers inside her tiny pussy she moaned louder and bit my lip really hard.

I took my fingers out and she sucked on them as I put my lips to her clit and ate. I sucked her cum out and spit it into her mouth. She started to finger me as licked between her toes. "You like that?" She screamed and moaned and I started moaning, I sucked her fingers when she was done.

She kissed me again and put her clothes back on. I put my dress back on and zipped it up. She put my thongs into her pocket and woke her mother up, then they left. I couldn't believe I just had sex with a nine year old. I got off the train and went to my apartment, I turned on the warm water and filled the bathtub, I put some tiny soap scrubs into the water and lit some candles.

I put my hair into a bun and got in. It felt so nice to have the little soap scrub run all over me, I sunk deeper into the tub as I closed my eyes and listened to the candles burn.

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