Chapter 7

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I woke up in Jason's arms and stood up, he opened his eyes and looked at me. "There's a court date set for today around nine, Valentine, why didn't you call me as soon as this happened?" I just looked at him and saw his eyes getting red and tearful.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like I deserved it, you know? Or like, he hated me so it was like his revenge or taking it out in me and like he said he would brutally hurt me if I didn't pay the rent!" Jason came over to me and hugged me. "It's going to be okay, babe. I promise! It's eight now, so get ready and we'll go down to the courthouse."

I put in some white tight pants and a silky blue button down shirt with some blue converse. We got in the car and drove to the courthouse. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Carlos Igallo, I am the attorney for Valentine Duncan.

I was called to the stand to give my testify. "I heard a knock on the door, so if course I had opened it and it was Chad, he said since I haven't paid the rent he was going to brutally hurt me. And he grabbed my arms and ripped my clothes off and started  demanding  me to do things I would never do. And that's when he rapped me." I was in full tears, my whole face was red and I had at least ten or more balled up tissues."  Then Chad was called up next.

"I had went to Valentine's apparent, but I had to tell her she was late on paying rent. Then she pulled my arm into the apartment and kissed me and we had sex." He looked at his wife tearfully then at me. And I had a terrible feeling in my stomach and something told me this wasn't right.

"Is there evidence your honor?" I stood up and said "Yes! There is. I put up security cameras around my apartment." I walked over to the screen the plugged up my laptop and played the video:

"Hey, Chad, what do you need?"
You know what I need! You didn't pay rent last month and I said I would brutally hurt you! So now I'm going to rape you!" He ripped the clothes off and threw her on the couch. There were clothes flying onto the floor, and there was screaming.

I was still crying as I saw Chad's wife and two kids crying as well. The court was dismissed and Chad was charged with rape. "How could you lie, you dumb little blonde bitch ?!" "Don't mess with me, you can either pay the fine, or let me stay for a whole year for free." I walked up to Jason and kissed him.

I walked back to his house and got into my car. I went to look for other apartments, when I saw a beautiful girl with long hair driving a motorcycle. I followed her to see where she'd be going, apparently to her house. She got off the motorcycle and turned to look at me. And walked over to my car, I rolled the window down.

"Why are you following me?" "I'm sorry, I just really need an apartment, or somewhere I can stay." She looked at me in surprise. "Oh, right I put up an add saying I needed a roomate, I'm sorry. I'm Kelsi she stuck out he hand and I shook it, I'm Valentine."

I got out the car and walked with her into her house. It was nice: there were stairs when you walk in and to the right was a kitchen and  the left was the living room. "There's like five bedrooms, my besties used to live here, but you can stay here um, the rent is like a thousand and something, but you can pay like maybe six hundred."

I nodded and went to get my things from the car, and stated unpacking. I walked down to the kitchen and saw Kelsi putting groceries away. "You can pretty much just have anything in here. But if it has a sticky note with my  name, obviously it's mine." She smiled and I smiled back.

"So, could I pay you the six hundred now?" She looked at me with surprise. "Are you a college student?" "Yeah, but I can pay you now." I handed her the money and she took it and counted it. "Are you a stripper?" "Kinda, I started last night, but I only made like one hundred bucks, the rest I saved."

"Ha ha OMG, I know, I was going to be one, but then I was like, why would I want strangers looking at me." "Yeah, but I have a really good method! Like if you're in a booth with one of them, make sure you get them really drunk and look for their wallet, but like don't make it obvious, like pretend your going to jack them off, you know?"

"And just take their wallet and some money out, if you're working in like one of those run down strip clubs, then they won't have security cameras." I laughed and smiled. "Where do you work?" She looked up at me and pointed her laptop towards me. I saw naked pics of females. "I help with the playboy company. Which is why I'm letting you pay a little amount. They pay me like five grand to edit and photoshop, my mom was good with stuff like that, and she kinda taught me, you know? So why did your parents name you Valentine ?"

"Because I was born on Valentine's day, I think it's like dorky as hell." "Ha ha aww, no it's cute, I love it." I smiled at her and looked into her green eyes. "You have such nice eyes, they're like a kiwi green." She stared at me and laughed as she took my hand and rubbed it.

"Thanks, you have nice tits." She walked out the front door and drove off. I walked around the house. And saw a nice room with pink fur and bras. There was a camera that looked like ones professionals use.

I turned it on and took off my clothes as it flashed, I possed. I tried on a lot of different costumes, and possed. Then I found videos of other females, I put it in the DVD player and watched.

I took a vibrater and rubbed it in my nipples then all down my stomach. I took my finger and played with my clit and shoved the vibrater into my wet pussy and fucked it until I squirted and cummed, I kept screaming and moaning as I watched the girl finger the other girl. I sucked on the vibrater when I was done, then I went back into my room and layed on the bed.

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