Chapter 2

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I woke up and saw Jason siting next to me on the bed. "Have a good night sleep?" I just looked at him then looked at my watch. "I have to go." I stood up and put my clothes on. "It's three A.M, where are you going to go at this time?" I gave him an angry look and reached for my purse. "My purse! It's missing!" "You never had a purse when we came in." I must've left it at the bar!

I ran out if his house and into the dark misty night. I went back into the club and retraced my steps, I saw it laying on the stool at the bar.  I went to grab it, but it seemed like it was stuck on something.

"Here let me help." I heard a guy say, I turned my head and saw a cute blonde. "Oh, uh, thanks." He unwrapped the strap from the adjustment handle and handed it to me. I slowly look it with my left hand, and my right hand I rubbed his chest.

As I started to walk away he pulled me in and I immediately knew we were about to start a fun game. We went into the back and locked the door. He took his shirt off as I took my clothes back off and got on top of him. He grabbed my sides and squeezed them tightly I rolled my eyes and started moaning. He kissed and bit my neck as I rubbed my fingers through his hair.

"You like games?" I asked. "Yeah, video games." "We'll this isn't a video game, it's a game called 'seduction' and you're the toy." I pushed him down and handcuffed him to the bed. "You're fucking crazy!" I looked at him and smiled as I blindfolded him and sucked his cock.

After about a few hours I threw the keys to the handcuffs on the table by the bed and searched through his wallet and took out fifty bucks. I put my clothes back on and started waking home, and of course it was raining. I decided to take the train again, I hoped on and sat in the back again, hopping to feel the vibrations that I felt the previous night.

I see a female who gets on she looks like she's a teen and she has a backpack on. I look at my watch to see what time it is. I'm going to be late, it's already seven! The girl turns around and sits next to me. "Hi." I say as she sits, she looks at me and smiles. She has on a mini blue skirt with some knee high socks and a red jacket. "You go to a prep school?" I asked, she looked at her jacket and nodded.

"That's cool, what's it like?" She didn't seem like she wanted to have a conversation with me, so I just stopped talking. I layed my head against the window and felt my head vibrate and I sit back and let the vibrations spread through my body.

The train stopped and I saw a few people get on. The girl who was sitting next to me had her backpack in her lap like she was trying to hide what was behind it. "I know that trick." I whispered to her.

She turned and looked at me as she bit her lip. I softly moaned and licked mine, I watched her move her hand around in her mini skirt. I softly moaned as she came over to me and sat in my lap.

She bit my lip as I rubbed her breast, she continued to finger herself. I looked over and saw a man who looked like he could be in his late forties, I winked at him hoping to get his attention. But he just looked away, the girl put her finger in my mouth as I sucked on it she fingered me with her other hand.

I felt moist and wet, I loved it! "How old are you?" I finally managed to say. "Sixteen." I looked at her and she just closed her eyes. I can't believe I'm getting fingered by someone who's five years younger than me!

Suddenly the train came to a stop and people rushed to get off. The girl stood up and thanked me for my time as she walked away I saw the man get up and walked over to me. "She's worth sixty bucks!" I looked at him with confusion. "I'm sorry excuse me?" "You fucked my daughter and I want my damn money!"

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