Chapter 6

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I layed on my bed in my apartment staring at the ceiling fan, watching it spin round and around. Why is life such a bitch, why is it complicated? Why can't our minds connect with out hearts? Do I really like Jason? Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes? Chad?!" "Hi, so you never paid last months rent. I'm terribly sorry, but you'll have to pack your things and leave." I can't believe this! I had sex with him and he's just not even caring! Maybe it wasn't satisfying enough. "Okay, I'll pack things." I closed the door and called his wife.

I picked up a suitcase and put all my regular clothes in it: jeans and t-shirts, and another I put in other clothes: see through shirts and laced shirts, mini skirts and dresses and heels. I picked up my backpack and put all the money I had in my bra, then walked out the door.

I went to a motel to stay the night, I put the suit cases on the bed and put on some leggings and an oversized sweater with some uggs. I walked down the street to the car dealer. "Hey, can I help you with something?" It was a nice tall man with black curly hair and brown eyes he had amazing dimples.

"Um, yeah, I just need like, you know a small car." He walked over to a nice small blue car. "It runs smooth and perfect." I opened the hood to make sure the engine was there, and walked to the back of the car and checked the muffler, then felt the tiers to make sure there's still air in them. I took the car keys and started the car to make sure it runs good.

"You sure know your cars." "Yeah, my daddy was a mechanic, so I spent most days in a garage instead of playing with other kids. How much?" He looked at me and smiled. "Name your price first." Ugh the business of a car owner, I pulled out five hundred. "How's this?" "Perfect!" He said as he took the money and counted it.

I kissed him and said thanks as I drive off the lot, I had went inside the motel and put my things in my new car and changed into a really short dress. I drove to the strip club and decided it was time to make some real money.  I went to the back alley and saw a black door that lead inside.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I turned around and saw two body guards dressed in all black. "I'm Victoria, the new stripper." They looked at eachother and opened to door to let me in. I walked around to the dressing room and saw naked women. "Aye, who dis bitch?" I mostly saw African Americans. "I'm Victoria." I said nervously. "Benny let in a white chick ya'll" they all stared at me.

"Victoria? That's your stage name?" I nodded as she hugged me and they all came over to greet me. "You need a better stage name! But hey, I bet you my girls will give you the sexiest name of all. Now go out there and shake you little white ass girl!"

I put on a wig and walked towards the stage. I got in the pole and spun all the way down, then I licked the pole and got on it. I spun upside down and slowly took my bra off. As I walked to the edge of the stage I took my thongs off and walked over to a man sitting down and rubbed my bra in his face.

He took my thongs and licked them as he winked. "You can have them." I stood up and walked back on stage as I pulled a female on the stage, she layed flat while she ate me out. I could hear all the guys cheering and I saw lots of money being tossed on the stage.

So I gave them a better show, I unzipped the girls shorts and ate her clit and played with it. We got done and she stood up and handed me some money as she winked. I gathered up all the money and went into the back. "Damn white girl! You gon put us all out of a job!" "Girl you was good!" "You should eat me like that!" "Hope you like chocolate!"

I wasn't sure if they were being rude or giving compliments. But I just put my clothes on and my money inside of my purse. "Where is you going? It's not even midnight, the  fun just started!" "I have a dinner business meeting type thing to attend."

I walked out and went to my car. "Oh no, we gasta tell Miko and Benny about her." I drove to a really nice looking restaurant and walked inside. "Hi, I'm Valentine. I'm sure you recognized me?" "Yes, I am truly sorry for what my husband- Chad did to you."

I started to fake cry. "I-I just can't believe it, he- he." She touched my arm. "It's alright, sweetie, here's a tissue." I wiped my face and continued fake crying. "Tell me everything that happened." "I had just woke up and- and- and I opened the front door. Chad came in and saw me then pushed me in and ripped my clothes off then he  pulled me close. He demanded that I get on top of him, I didn't know he had a wife." I kept fake crying. "I am so sorry."

She handed me the box of tissues. "Then he took my bra and panties off and rapped me!" I saw Chad walk through the door and I stood up and screamed, "That's the man who rapped me in my apartment the other day!" Then I ran off to my car as I  drove off the lot I evilly laughed and went to Jason's house.

"Hey Valentine." "Hey Jason. So I have  decided, we are officially dating! Isn't that exciting!" He laughed and kissed me as picked me up and twirled me. "That's fantastic! Do you want to go to dinner?" "I think you can cook", I said as I winked.

We went into the kitchen and took out pots and pans. I got out: spinach, onions, tomatoes, peppers, and garlic. I started to chop them all up as Jason seasoned to chicken and put the pasta in the pan. He put his arms around me and kissed my neck. "You are excellent!"

I giggled and put the veggies into a pot, then opened a jar of spaghetti sauce and stirred it. When the chicken was done he cut it into small bits and mixed it with the sauce I had made in the pan. Then when the pasta squares were done he mixed those into the pan as well.

We sat down at the table with lit candles and ate our dinner we cooked together. "This is so good, I love it!" I said as I looked at him while I ate a forkful. "Yes, it's very delicious! I have to use he restroom." He got up from the table and went up the stairs, I heard him close the door and I went over to the other table and opened his laptop.

He was signed into his teachers account, so I looked for English 101 and scrolled down the list until I saw my name and changed my grades to Bs and I saw a few other names who I recognized and changed their grades to Ds. Then I left and submitted the grades, once they are submitted, you can't go back and change it. So I closed the laptop and went back to my dinner.

Jason came down the stairs and sat down, he looked up at me and I saw how tiered his looked. "Jason, why don't you go and rest, I'll clean up for you." "No, I can't let you do that." "I'm serious! Go lay down it's getting late anyway." He stood up and hugged me the went back up the stairs.

I put all the dishes into the dishwasher and started it. I swept and mopped the floor, wiped the counters, tables and chairs. Then I went into the living room. "Hello, 9-1-1 what is your emergency?" I started to fake cry again, then  I heard Jason.

"Valentine?" "Ma'm is something wrong?" "My- my- the- owner of the Shine On apartment complex. He-he rapped me, his-his name is Ch- Chad." I hung up the phone and layed in Jason's arms, he rubbed my back and kissed my head.

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