Chapter 8

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"Valentine! Wake up!!" "What's wrong with her?" "Nothing's wrong the bitch won't wake up!" I looked up and saw about five girls leaning over me, I rubbed my eyes. "What, what happened?" "You damn well what fucking happened!" "You're a dirty little slut!" "I want you out of my fucking house, and take your shitty little sex tape too!" Kelsi threw the disk at me and then I remembered what I did yesterday. I looked at every single one of them, why are they all mad?

I slowly stood up and packed my things and dragged it to my car, I got in and drove to Jason's house. I went up to the door an rang the doorbell, but no one answered, so I called him, and he didn't even answer his phone. I walked around to the side of the house and climbed into the kitchen window. I stepped into the sink with my bare feet, then turned around and closed the window.

When I got down off the counter I walked over to the fridge and opened it. I took out the milk and went to the cabinet and got a small blue bowl and pulled out the Honey-Nut Cheerios. I took two bananas an cut them up and put some in the bowl, then I pored the Cheerios into the bowl and put more cut up bananas on top and pored the milk onto the cereal. I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and went into the living room.

I say on the couch and picked up the remote and tuned the T.V on. He has over a thousand channels, yet, nothing to watch. I decided to put on Nickelodeon and watched Fairly Odd Parents. If only fairies were real, if I was ten I would wish for never ending money when I turned twenty-one.

I heard the door open and slam shut and saw Jason come in, he started to walk past me, then he stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "I see you've made yourself at home." I nervously smiled as he took the empty bowl and went into the kitchen.

I squeezes my legs together very tightly and felt that urge to seduce again. Jason came back into the living room he looked at me and smiled as I clutched my legs together, I couldn't take the pressure. "Jason, I have to pee!" "Uh, ok? The bathroom is down that hall."

I stood up and tried to casually walk to the bathroom. When I walked in I shut the door an locked it. I through myself onto the floor staring up at the ceiling. I put my finger into my mouth and pulled my soccer shorts down and started playing with my clit. The other hand I stroked my breast and nipple. I started to moan as I shoved three fingers into my wet pussy, I screamed and moaned as I kept injecting my fingers inside of me.

"Valentine? You alright?" I heard Jason as he knocked on the door. "Yes, I'm fine, just shitting, it kinda hurts!" "Do you need to go to the doctors? Is it  diarrhea, maybe? Valentine ?" I quickly put my thongs and shorts back on then walked over to the skink and covered them with soap. I liked at the toilet and flushed it with my toe, good thing the seat was already down. I rinsed my hands in hot water, then dried them as I put on scented lotion.

Jason unlocked the door with a key and opened it. "Are you alright?" I walked up to him and kissed him then he picked me up and spun me. We looked into each others eyes. "Valentine, I love you." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "I love you too Jason!" He put me down and I giggled as we went into the living room. I layed next him on the couch as we watched a romantic movie and I closed my eyes as I felt Jason's arm around me holding me. It was the best feeling ever, for the first time I felt loved and cared for.

I woke up and saw Jason folding a blanket. "What are?" He just looked at me and smiled, then put his hand on my forehead. "It's alright, you can always be in my arms." He softly kiss my lips, I grabbed his wrist as he picked me up and spun. He put me down and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist.

"You're just too beautiful, I love your pretty green eyes." I put my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back. "Jason?" "Yeah?" "Why do you love me?" He then quickly put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me off of him and he started deep into my eyes. "Because you're not like those other girls, you like romantic guys. And you're romantic! I don't think I'll ever find another girl like you!"

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