Chapter 3

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I woke up and sat up to look beside me and of course he was gone and he left a note: "This changes nothing, but your rent is down too one hundred." Ugh, I crunched it up and threw it on he floor. I slowly walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge.

Then I heard a knock on the door. "Hi, Jason, what are you doing here?" "Hey Valentine, I want an explanation for why. Where's your? You know?" I looked down to see what he was talking about. I had no bra on and my breasts were all out, and I had on a white button down shirt.

"Ha ha, come on, I see you've brought pizza." I close the door and rush to my room to call the apartment owner- Chad. "Chad where'd you go?" "Thank you for calling Chad Rockefeller of Rockefeller Apartments, how may I help you?" "Chad, it's Valentine I'm wearing your business shirt!" I hung up and walked back into the living room.

"Is everything okay Valentine?" "Yeah, it's fine, go ahead and sit back down. I'll make us some lemonade." I rushed back into the kitchen and took out a glass and put Mandrax in it and poured the jug of lemonade in the glass and  mixed it up.

"Hey Jason, okay so I've never made lemonade before." I gave him the glass and watched him drink it. "It's actually delicious." He started coughing and his eyes began to slowly close. I left the room and into my bed room to change.

"Yes, this is Chad-" I angrily pressed the end call button on his business phone. "Hey?! What?!" "Hi Chad, here's your shitty little shirt back!" I saw a woman come into his office, she had a ring on, she must be Chad's wife. "Hey Chad, I just wanted to give you your shirt and tie back."

"Those aren't mine." He quickly protested and his wife took the clothes from me. "These are yours, why does this teenager have your things?!" I'm not a teenager, but hey, what ever works. I walked out of the office and turned back. "Oh, and this note you wrote, this means nothing." I threw at him and walked out. I closed the door behind me an as I left I can hear them arguing. And I put the money I took from Jason's wallet and put it in my shoe.

I continued down the street hopping to find the next victim, I can't stay at that apartment complex forever. I looks at my phone, it's only Friday and it's not even passed twelve. I walk into a nice business looking place and walk over to the board of people with their pictures and names. Timothy Sabers, he's in his twenties. I looked at his hands, no wedding ring. Room 262 on C floor, I quickly walk to the elevator and hop on.

"Going up?" I looked over and saw the guy I was just looking at. "Yeah, Timothy, right?" I asked as I shook his hand. He chuckled and nodded, "so, what can I do for you?" I smiled and but my lip as I layed against the steel elevator wall. "It's not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you."

"Why don't we come into my office." Bastard didn't even take a hint. We walk down a long hallway, and into his office. He had a nice desk with two windows behind it with pictures on the walls of him and two females. "Your family?" I asked as I was staring at the pictures. He looked back, "Yeah, me and my sister with our mother." "Oh, you're single?" He smiled and chuckled. "Unfortunately, yes." "Now, what is it that you need?" "I can change that." "Excuse me? Are you here to flirt with me or to talk to me about sex addiction?" I looked at the brochure on his desk, damn it! I walked right into that shit!

I stood up and shook my head, I knocked his coffee over on purpose. "Oh, I'm so sorry, here let me help!" "No, no, it's fine." He started taking things out of his pockets and unloading then to his desk. He turned his back to try and clean his pants, he had a tiny table with napkins, a coffee maker, and other coffee stuff. I reached for his wallet, but it underneath some keys. I started to cough really loud to remove the keys. I finally got to his wallet and took out a few hundreds.

"You know what I'm fine with my sex addiction, it's actually not an addiction, it's more like.-" "That's what everyone says. But you know there's ways to help stop the addiction." I took his tie off and rubbed it on my breasts. He walked over to me and snatched his tie back. "You know what? Why don't you go see a female therapist." I look at my phone and pretend to get a text message, "I have to leave actually, my son, he's you know, I just have to go."

I stormed out of his office and walked down the hall, how do I get out if here? I walked down a hall with an exit sign, but there was no exists. So I tried an elevator, but it was for employees only. I decided to try some stairs, but they lead down tithe basement. I spent almost two hours trying to get out. Finally came outside to the back of the building, but it was just to the dumpsters.

"You lost?" I heard someone say, I spun around and saw a guy smoking. "I'll show you the way out." "No, wait." He turned to look at me he had long black hair that was brushed back into a manbun, with a thin black beard. I put my hand out. "Please take me home, I've been a bad girl." He took my hand and guided me to his office.

"You can sit there and watch tv, I actually have a client coming in." I layed down on the couch and took the remote, I turned on Lifetime to watch a movie. "Hey Timothy, slow morning?" "Yeah, the weirdest thing happened, some teenage looking girl tried to have sex with me, in my office." He walked over towards were I was laying. "I hate it when females do that, I need to start requesting for males." "Don't do that, you might look gay. Just saying." "Yeah, well I'll see you later Austin."

"Okay, here's how this goes, you sit the and watch tv, don't touch anything. I'll be back I have to use the bathroom." I watched him leave the room and I stood up and walked to his desk and say in the chair. "Hi I'm Clenease." I looked up and smiled. "Hi I'm Dr. Clonal."

"So my brother requested for me to see a therapist about my sexy addiction. I mean that's cray talk you know." She looks like she could go to rehab, her skin was all wrinkly looking and she reeked of cigarette smoke and had some bald spots, her blonde hair looked shriveled and it was turning gray and falling out. I sat there and smiled politely as she finished speaking.

"Hold on, first of all who would even think of putting their peinese inside of a rats vergina or ass? I mean who the hell would even be okay with that? Drugs won't help me of I saw what you call a human being, which honestly you look like some wrinkly old piece of a fucken Twinkie that was mashed together with a damn Debbie cake! Now go and fuck your little fuck buddies!?"

I saw Austin walk in, "hi, I am so sorry, that's my daughter, listen what ever she said" "what she said? It was fantastic!" She looked at me and gave me a twenty, "the best! You should keep her!" I turned to him and smirked, he closed his door and locked it. He yanked me into him and we started passionaly kissing. He took his tie off and put it over my eyes as he threw me onto the couch.

"Daddy's angry, you've been a bad girl." I start moaning, he rubbed my back all the way down and smacked me really hard. I moaned louder and louder. He pulled my hair and ripped my clothes off. He but my neck and whispered, "show me you're sorry."

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