Chapter 5

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I awoke feeling relaxed until I heard a knock on the door. I got out and put on a robe and went to get the door. "Jason?" He had on a suit and was holding flowers. "Hey Valentine! You look, why are-?" "I'm still getting ready."

He came inside and I closed the door and walked into my bedroom. I put on a nice pink dress that flowed nice and easy. I curled my hair at the ends and put on some light pink heels and a white purse with a white lace jacket.

"Where are we going?" "Olive Garden, you like Italian food ?" I smiled and took his hand as we got in the car. "So, you look nice, it's like every dress you have looks the same, just a different color." I laughed and agreed and I can see his wonderful smile as his eyes sparkled from the city and car lights.

"Hi, table for two." I went to sit, but Jason pulled the chair out for me and I sat down. He's such a gentleman, I actually might fall in love with him. "How's your weekend going?" "Boring, with work and homework." "Where do you work?" "It's just an online job." "Oh, that seems fun."

"Yeah, it gets stressed after a while." He looked at me and winked, I blushed and giggled. He took my right hand and kissed it, then he put a bracelet in my hand, it was Pandora. "Jason, you didn't have to." "I did, you're the most beautiful, wonderful, exquisite woman I ever met."

"Your meal." "Thanks." "Thank you." I ordered some lasagna and Jason ordered some pasta and chicken. I took a forkful of his pasta, he looked at me and took some of my lasagna. We laughed and ate eachothers food. "You want dessert?" "Sure, I love ice-cream cake."

"Why don't we go to the store and buy some?" We got up and went back to the car I took his hand and he pulled me close. Then he twirled me and started to waltz in the middle of the parking lot, we laughed and got in the car.

We walked into Kroger and looked for the ice-cream. He got a cart and I hopped into it as he pushed me down the isles and we laughed as he ran and pushed me. We went to the frozen isle and he got two ice-cream cakes, then we went to the candy isle and he put some whip cream in the cart with some white chocolate. Then we got some microwave popcorn.

"You ready for a movie?" "Yeah, how about a comedy?" "Sure." I was stuffing chocolate in my face when he put the DVD in the DVD player and he went into the kitchen to get the popcorn.

His house was nice a lot of sleek black things. I looked over to the left and there was a side door that lead to to the backyard, there was a large pool and some tables and chairs. The tv was up on the wall above the fireplace. And his furniture was slick black.

"I bought two cakes- one for me and one for you." He handed me one of the cakes and a fork and he put the popcorn on the table I front of us. I ate my cake as I layed my head on his chest.

"Hey Valentine, you awake?" I woke up and saw Jason leaning over me he was rubbing my left arm. I smiled and saw him smile back his smile always lights up his face. I sat up and he hugged me.

"I am sleepy though." I said as I rubbed my eye, he picked me up an carried me into the bedroom. He layed me down on the bed and took my jacket and shoes off. He pulled the covers up on me and kissed me on the cheek and said "Goodnight."

I woke up and sat up, looked around the room. Then I realize where I am, I didn't have sex? That's the first! I saw the room door open and Jason came in.

"Hey, I made breakfast." He out the tray I my lap, there was a glass if orange juice, a small plate with toast and there was another plate with pancakes. Jason came and sat next to me, he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you so much, but Jason, you didn't have to." "Oh, I did." I liked at him and smiled. "You know you can call me Val." He chuckled, "how about babe?" I laughed and agreed we looked at eachother, he put whip cream on my pancakes and took a forkful.

He took a pice of today and fed it to him as he fed me pancakes, we laughed and cuddled. I looked into his eyes and he closed them, I closer my eyes and felt his soft lips against mine. I put my hands on his face and he put his hands on my hips. I opened my eyes and smiled. "Why are you so cute?" He laughed and did a quick kiss on the lips.

"We have to take showers and get ready." He stood up and took the try of food. I stood up and walked down the hallway and got my purse and I had my shoes in my hand. I put them on and walked out the side door.

I walked down the street and towards the subway. I saw a nice brunette walking into a building, I followed her. She was taking the elevator, so I could the stairs. I didn't want her to know I was following her. She pulled out keys and went inside, I looked at the door and realized it was her apartment.

I knocked on the door and she opened it. "Who are you, I think you have the wrong apartment." I put my hands in her hair and twirled it. "You're weird as hell!" What the fuck do you want?"

I kissed her lips, and she pulled me closer and shut her door. She carried me to her kitchen and put me on the counter. I took off my dress and she took hers off. I layed on the stove and she took a spoon and used it to play with clit and put it inside me as she kissed me.

I moaned louder and louder, she took the spoon out and kissed it. I sat up and put my arms around her and she kissed me I rubbed her back and she moaned. She took out some whip cream and sprayed it into her thongs. I pulled them down and sucked out the whip and but her clit.

I stood up and tongue kissed her, as she yanked my hair. We heard a knock on the door, she winked at me and went to get the door. I picked up her dress and searched for money and found a hundred dollar bill, and put it in my bra as I put my dress back on.

I snuck out the kitchen window, and climbed down the ladder and ran to the subway. And got on the train, I saw the same teenager I fingered a few days back. I sat across from hoping she won't recognize me. She was holding some girl's hand and laughing.

I rolled my eyes and got off the train and towards the university. I walked up to Jason's class, and sat in the middle where he mostly looks. "I'm sitting here!" I heard some girl say. I was frustrated that I had to sit in the back. I over heard some girls talking about the professor. "He's supper gourg!" "Yeah, sups!" "I wonder if he'll date one if his students?" "Right!" "I know!"

"Good morning class. Sorry I'm late, I had parking issues." He looked up and saw me, he stared for at least five minutes. "Professor?" He shook his head and continued talking about the weekend assignment. I didn't know we had and assignment!

When class was over I walked up to Jason. "Jason?" He turned around and looked at me. "Yes, Valentine?" He said my full name, maybe he's keeping it professional. "Nothing, nevermind."

I turned to leave the class room when there was a group of the girls who was talking about Jason standing behind me. "Yeah walk away ugly slut!" "He doesn't like you!" I turned back around. "Jason, hun, I'll see you at home." He looked at me and kissed my hand. "Okay Val babe." And turned back to continue writing on the board. I looked at the girls and smirked, then walked out the classroom. I walked out the building and decided I needed to go home.

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