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Lucas's POV

"Lucas, get out of bed" my mother Holly screamed from the bottom of the stairs "you're late for school already. I groan and slowly trudge out of bed. "I'm up!" I shout out to her. I walk towards my bathroom and take a quick shower and complete my morning ritual.

I head downstairs and greet my family. Its a huge family consider we are the alpha family... yeah alpha cause we are werewolves. My older sister Aroura is going to become the next alpha because she is more dominant than Martin, Marcus and I combined. She is way overprotective over me cause I'm the only submissive in our family.

This is my last year in high school and i can't wait to start art school. I absolutely love art its my escape. "Hey A can i get a ride with you?" I ask my sister. "Why?" she asks. "Well..." I start "M&M are going to fetch their girlfriend so I don't wanna intrude on them. So please." I use my puppy dog eyes on her. "Fine" she groans out. You see I'm 18 and I'm not allowed to drive but my 13 year old brothers are allowed to drive cause they are dominant.

Tomorrow is when I officially turn 18 and I can meet my mate. Aroura met her mate when she was 16 cause she is dominant but I had to wait until I turned 18 cause submissives are considered to be mature when they reach 18 and ready to mate. I hope my mate is a dominant male cause I love me some abs and amazing chest. If you hadn't figured it out by now I'm gay and proud of it.

Tomorrow is also the day I finally graduate meaning today we won't be doing anything in class. There is this one guy in my art class that is absolutely hot. His name is Zac he is so nice and also my sister's Beta. He is so dominant I really hope that he is my mate. I could lick every inch of his del... bad brain stop thinking dirty thoughts. I look around the class and all the dominant males in the class are looking at me with lust filled eyes because they can smell my arousal.

The reason why its all the males is because this is a werewolf only school. Okay back to important things like the way Zac is looking at me right now. I have to get out of here before they all try to rape me. I run out of the classroom screaming Aroura's name at the top of my lungs as the dominate males run after me. A is the only person who can save me besides dad but he is not here right now.

A finally comes to my rescue. She stands inforont of me protectively and growls out in warning towards the guys. They are dominant but she is still more dominant considering she is the alpha and all. They bare their necks in submission and then she lets them have it. "YOU STUPID LITTLE FUCKS WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO RAPE MY BROTHER?!" She screams at the top of her lungs. On brave soul... Oh bless him cause he will be missed responded by saying and I quote "it ain't our fault he got all horny in class." That is how his life ended on this beautiful earth... I kid but he nearly did die. That just proves never cross me or my sister.

Second book is finally out yay.
Its so awesome to start writing the next book


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