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Lucas's POV

Well I guess Holly just found her mate but who is the third guy. I look at both the guys but feel no spark or rush of arousal and I know that Holly just found her two absolutely delicious mates. Well since none of them are gonna talk might as well introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Lucas" I direct to the blond who seems more dominant but it's the kid with inky black hair that answes.

"Hey, I Sean and this idiot over here is my mate and bestfriend Dante" Sean answers. Sean is the definition of a twink with the girly figure a gropable ass and an atittude that rivals that of and Irish drunk. Then you have Dante who has a weird but sexy mixture of dirty blond hair with caramel skin and the bluest eyes the rival the sky and a very shy atittude that just oozes dominance. "Well the retard next to me is my bestfriend Holly and I gue..." before I can finish I catch wiff of a magnificent scent that has me literally drooling so I excuse myself and follow the scent.

I follow the scent and it leads me to an Italian resturant. I carry on with the scent and I see some one who could possibly out-rank Zac on the hotness radar. He is tall even when he is sitting and has olive skin with black hair the passes the nape of his neck but not long enough to tie a pony tail. I slowly walk towards him and when I finally see his face I've fallen in love . With a strong jaw and sharp and muscline features but what captures me are his eyes. They are a stormy almost steel looking grey and look so cold but that doesn't take away from his beauty it actually makes him more beautiful.

I move down to his lips and I just want to kiss him right then and there but with much self control I don't instead I look back into his eyes and then I finally notice the smirk on his lips and I allow a grin break out onto my face. "Hello, there angioletto" he says in a deep voice and I can not help but moan at the sound. At that his eyes darken considerably and he pulls me onto his lap. "No one and I mean no one is allowed to hear your sweet moans besides me, angioletto" he says in a dark deep voice and all I can do is nod.

"What's your name?" He asks me "Lucas" I reply and it comes out just above a whisper. "Lucas" he says trying it out and I nearly moan again at how good it sounds but stop myself. "What's your name?" I barely get out before I faint from the arousal and desire coursing through my blood.

Like I promised two chapters in one sitting
°°mystery guy°°


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