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Domenico's POV

The stunning young man that happened to just faint on top of me is my mate and a damn fine one at that. To bad he fainted before I could tell him my name. He looks absolutely delicious in his black ripped skinny jeans with a black band top and black converse. The kid's obsessed with black but that's good cause I love the colour too.

I carry him to my car so I can take him back to my palace. Well where are my manners, let me introduce myself I'm Domenico Sergio De Luca. I'm the dark prince, prince of the vampires but now that I have found my beloved I shall become king.

I don't mind that my pasticcino is a werewolf because he is absolutely adorable and the things I would love to do to his body. He has this perfect bubble butt that I would to...

Before I could finish my musings my bambino wakes up. He has the cutest yawn ever. He open his eyes and I'm drawn into his amazing eyes. He looks up to me like he is a lost puppy and I can't help but smirk at him.

"Hey there, cucciolo" I tease him. He looks at me like I have lost my mind. "What's a cu...cu...cuciala?" He inquires with I cute confused look. "It's not cuciala, bambino it's cucciolo and you'll figure it out someday." I answer him with a know-it-all smirk.

"Well if you keep talking like that you will never get some from me" he threatens. "Or..." I drawl out " I could just bend you over my knee, spank you till your begging me to fuck you" I finish with a smirk and lick the shell of his ear. He let's out an involuntary moan

My eyes turn violet meaning that I was aroused. I quickly put him in the front of my matt black Audi R8 and buckle him up. I control the need that courses through my body when he gives me a seductive smile.

I swear if he carries on with this silly game of his we won't make it back to my palace and he won't meet my parents. I have to at least introduce him to my parents before I make love to him.

I drive to the palace but what I see when I arrive boggles my mind.

Cliffhanger once again SORRY guys...
°°Domenico's car°°


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