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Lucas's POV

The day is finally here! I finally get to meet my awesome ass mate! It is also the day I get to morph into my wolf for the first time since submissive can only turn into their wolf once they reach 18.

So first thing is first I have to go out into the forest with my family so that they can comfort me as I go through the excruciating pain of morphing for the first time. I roll out of bed then do my morning ritual and head down stairs.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lucas, happy birthday to you!" My family chants bringing tears to my eyes. There is also a big delicious looking cake infont of dad and I can't wait to dig into mom's baking.

"Thanks guys, so can we now go for the run I wanna see my wolf" I plead with dad giving him my puppy dog eyes. "Okay fine," dad answers "Aroura will lead the race okay" he says after a few seconds of thought.

We finally make it through the door and towards the woods. We all walk towards a clearing my dad and I found during one of our bonding sessions. Everyone morphs into their wolf except the twins cause they haven't reached 16 yet.

The transformation begins and let me tell you it is not fun. If you have ever had your bones snap multiple times that's how this felt except worse. As my bones snapped, shortened, and elongated to form my wolf.

I finally morph into my wolf but instead of being black or white cause those are the colours I could be since I'm a submissive from alpha blood. I am absolutely colourless with an expressive silver right eye and aggressive violet left eye.

I'm the first of my kind?!

This means deadth for all my loved ones and myself!


Sorry 'bout that cliffhanger but I need to think up an awesome name for our mystery mate and awesome plot for Lucas's colourlessness.
°°the twins°°


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