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Logan's POV

"YOU SON OF A BITCH. How the fuck could you get my bloody baby pregnant. Are you just trying to be stupid and the fact that you didn't tell us until he was in fucking labor. Were you born stupid or is it some sort of defect." I scream at Domenico

I was fuming how could my baby boy not tell me that he is pregnant but I was also so busy with Taylor who is pregnant again this time with triplets I don't know how's the hell does he keep increasing the number of children he bears by one every time he is pregnant.

And now they are both in labor at the same time along with Aroura I swear if the twins get their mate pregnant this year I will freaking hurt them.

After what seemed like hours I finally get called into my baby boy's room to meet his little bundle of joy. It wasn't just one or two gosh even three would have been okay but no the little fucker had to get my baby pregnant with four little monsters.

I go to Aroura's room and she has twins a boy and an intersexual girl. I finally go to my wife's room and we have three girls and what stunned me the most is that they are all intersexual. This should be interesting as they grow up.

Lucas's babies were name at his wedding and I thought that was a load of bull until today. Their names were Monica, Marilyn, Mitchell and Matthew.

Aroura thought she would be funny and name her children after something involved in the human body. She named the boy Aorta and the girl Metacarpals.

And our babies were named Kylie, Khloe, Katrina.

A new adventure begins for our family.

That's it guys its over. I hope you guys enjoyed the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

A new book may or may not start.
°°the children°°


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