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Rosaline's POV

THEY WILL ALL PAY! Pay with their worthless lives or with the lives of their loved ones. I had cursed Taylor's firstborn child to be colourless and be the first of his kind but it was just pure luck and fate that the firstborn would be mated to the first person who broke my heart. Now I will make the all pay by taking the one thing that they all love and that is Lucas.

I walk into the room where I'm keeping Lucas and my mate is in a man-made lake in our basement. My mate is a merman if you couldn't figure it out from him having to stay in the lake most of the time so that he doesn't get dehydrated and die on me. I still need him to make me stronger and the sex is good almost better than Domenico but not quite there yet.

I kick Lucas to wake him up but soft kicks don't seem to work on this stupid mutt so I kick him harder and he wakes with a jolt. I laugh till my eyes water because of the facial expression he had when he woke up. I finally stop laughing and he is looking at me like I'm retarded so Ifelt like it was time to introduce myself to him.

"Hi, Lucas nice to meet you I'm Rosaline" I say with a smirk evident in my voice. He looks up at me with fright in his eyes as he realises who I am. "Welcome to your worst nightmare" I finish of and leave the room with my mate following me for some mind blowing sex

Domenico's POV

"You lost my brother?!" Screamed Lucas's sister Aroura. If you're wondering how I got into this after Lucas didn't come back they sniffed him out all the way to my place. Aroura has a very dominant aura for a female and I found out its because she's the next alpha. She is very loud and aggressive I can see where Lucas gets his fiesty attitude it runs in the family.

"I did not lose him per say" I said nervously "I just lost sight of him and he was kidnapped." She rolls her eyes and then tries to lunge at me but is stop but someone who seems to be her father. She tries to get out of his grip " oh and that is better than losing him..." She screams at me "how exactly?!"

"Stop, this now!" Shouted her father or at least I think that's her father. Then a smaller looking man who looks a lot like Lucas moved forward and started to scream at me. "You lost my son and you take this so lightly" the taller more buffer looking man turned to the smaller looking man. "Taylor if you carry on I will bend you over my knee in front of all these people" he said it with such seriousness I myself believed him. The smaller man who I just found out is Taylor glared daggers at the taller man but kept quiet.

"Okay, I would like to apologise for my family's rude behavior I'm Logan, Lucas's father and that over there is Holly and Taylor Lucas's mothers and of course you've met Aroura his sister." Logan says and holds his hand out for me to shake which I do.

"Good to meet you sir" I say "I'm sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances." Logan looked me straight in the eyes and said "I'm not gonna lie to you and say its okay I want solutions as to how I will be getting my son back."

Well then I'll let you know our plans but we attack tomorrow at dawn

Double update
°°Rosaline's mate°°

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