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Domenico's POV

We were tracking down my sweet angel with the help of his sister and father. I would have done it alone but they've know Lucas longer than I have so it makes it easier for them to smell him out. I've been on edge all throughout the night and Logan was good help in trying to locate Lucas.

His scent was leading us to a warehouse that Angela or something like that used to meet up whenever I was horny. She was my fuck-buddy but then she started getting clingy and I couldn't have that so I broke up with her in a very unsavory manner. But by the looks of it I'm not the only one who knows this place and my suspisions are confirmed when Taylor speaks up "hey Logan, this is the place I was telling you about. You know the one where I used to meet that witch aggh man what was her name again? The one who cursed Lucas" yet Logan decided to ignore him so I questioned him.

"What she is a witch!!" I screamed out "I should have known but I was blinded by lust" I mumble that last part out to myself
but this time Taylor ignores me. We carry on with Lucas's scent getting stronger and stronger. Today is the day I will finally kill that bitch I should have done it a long time ago.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice that we had surrounded the warehouse. I was ready to get my mate back so that I could make love to him all night long. We were ready to attack.

Lucas's POV

I was trying to plead with that bitch Rosaline's mate who I found out is named Michael and is an awesome person who loves Rosaline to no ends. He is doing all of this because he wants her to be happy and he thinks the only way she'll be happy is if she finally kills those who broke her heart. So here I was trying to talk some sense into this handsome man but I was getting nowhere.

I was about to start again but then the living witch strutts in to the new location I was moved to about an hour ago something about ending it where it all began. I don't know what that is all about but I was about to start my ranting when I heard a loud crash only to see Domenico flying through the wall and I was looking at him like he was a freaking retard but then again he was for flying through the freaking wall when there was a door right next to the hole he just made.

My mom and dad come through the hole looking all calm but I wasn't fooled cause I knew that look from years of experience and that was just the calm before the storm. Dad was the one we were always threatened with when we didn't do something and that got us to do said thing immediately. When he had that look it was best to be out of his way unless you were mom or mother then you wouldn't be able to walk for a week or two but they have adapted so now its only a day or two. Yuck it sounds

Well back to the important things my sister just threw some guy that I didn't even know was in here through the wall. I mean like gosh what is up with these people and the wall. My mom starts beating on some guy with extreme anger and dad is fighting Rosaline and it looks weird cause dad would never fight a women but I guess Rosaline is an exception.

I was to preoccupied with dad that I didn't notice Domenico coming to undo my ties. He kissed me and I kissed him back passionately until my dad growled really loudly and I nearly jumped out of my skin. With a blush tinting my cheecks I say sorry to my dad cause I'm a daddy boy and I don't like it when he is angry at me.

With that out the way I clung to my daddy and Domenico was not happy about that at all.
Sorry for the wait guys I've been crazy busy and sick but I'm all good now.
Two more chapters then its over. I might start another book.



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