Chapter 6

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Niall's P.o.v

Christmas Day
I awoke to my sister jumping on me. She was always excited for Christmas, even during summer! We made our way downstairs and opened our presents. I didn't ask for anything so I was very surprised.

From 3:30-6:00 I had to go to the studio to practise. I spent my life there but I loved it! My new best friends were the four boys from 1d. But Liam always beat all of them.

Liam's P.o.v

I was so happy when we all met at the studio. But quickly I had to write in my diary.
Dear diary,
My secret is getting harder to keep a secret. I desperately want to tell him but I don't have the confidence.
Maybe I should pucker up and tell him. You now what? I am going to tell him when he comes to the studio this afternoon.
L xx
Niall was the first to arrive after me so I pulled him aside.
" I need to tell you something. Important," I say.
"What, your scaring me."
I make a move and kiss him on the cheek. Shoving me off and running to the bathroom, Niall was not happy. I had made a mistake.

Practising was never the same. Me and Niall didn't help.
"Liam, Niall! What are you doing looking at each other in a weird way!" Harry said concerned.

I ran off, grabbed my bag and went home. My parents weren't expecting me but I told them the opposite. They believed he made a move on me. I couldn't tell them I was gay! I need to see if it is real or he's just such a good friend.

I had ruined everything!
Sorry this part was longer than the others. If you like them like this please tell me and I will do it. I hope you like this chapter. I couldn't find a place to stop because it all linked together.
S xxx

Found (Niam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora