Chapter 7

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Niall's P.o.v

I shouldn't have been let into the band. I knew all along it was a bad idea. My illness will get in the way off singing. I know it will. Liam comes, an hour or two after practise, to my house. I answer not wanting to give away my secret.

But he knows something is up.
"What's wrong with u Niall? You have been acting weird for the past few days. Why is that??" He asks, expecting an answer.
"Nothing I am perfectly fine thanks you." I reply feeling the guilt eat me up inside.

Did I have feelings for him? It was debatable.
Sorry this part was short I had to do it quickly and then go out. I hope you liked this paragraph.
Lots of love,
S xx

Found (Niam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora