Chapter Eleven

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Mitch's POV

I watched as Darry patched up Angela, man that Soc beat her badly, even if he just had his knife to her neck and pushed her to the ground, she had a big gash in her left arm which was wrapped up, Her neck was slightly cut and her stomach and a huge and painful bruise,  she's the youngest of the group and one of our great friends, I don't know what would happen in she got banged up worse, she looked so shocked. Just as she was trying to walk, Ponyboy came in with guilt plastered on his pale face, what happened now?

"Angela?" He asked as she snapped her head up, looking towards him and gave him a questioning look.

"Hmm? What is it Pony? You alright?" She asked in concern.

Ponyboy's POV

"Hmm? What is it Pony? You alright?" Angela asked me, I looked at her with my eyes wide and replied.

"Are you alright?" She chuckled "I just got banged up a little, I'm fine" She smiled as Two ran in, nearly falling to the ground.

"MAGIC!" He screamed and ran to the kitchen to grab either a beer or an entire cake, No doubt one of the girls would steal some, just as I thought that I say Sky holding the cake with Two holding on to her leg like a three year old to their mother.

"No Two-Bit, this is mine now" Sky smirked and sat down, Two trying to steal some but Sky swatted his hand away so, he turned to Storm, who sighed and gave him a piece of her cake. Two started smiling like an Idiot and began begging people for their food.

"Neda pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Two begged as the dark haired girl, I guess Neda, refused and continued eating her slice, before anyone knew it, Sodapop and Steve came back.

Storm's POV

"Anyway so half of you guys don't know who my friends are so.... I'll let Mitch take care of that" I said and sat down, drinking a bottle of coke but was ever so rudely interrupted by Mitch pulling me up again. "Okay.. Fine, Everyone This is, Mitch, May, Maddie, Sky, Hailey, Brooke, Neda, Gilbert, Angela and Amber" I pointed to each one of my friends, who smiled and quickly began mingle with the guys and I chatted with Two and Soda.

"So Storm, whats 2015 like?!?!" Two asked. I chuckled and looked outside to see snow, snow and some more, snow.

"Well it would be 2016 now but it's pretty cool I guess, Guys used to have no idea how to pull up their pants... ahh 2013...those were not good times... I chuckled and took out my Ipod and showed  them a picture of me and my friends. "That's my family" I chuckled, they looked at me, smiling. "But 2015.. well chicks still wear ten pounds of makeup so it wasn't the best, makeup, perfume, crop tops and mini skirts... everywhere" I straitened my bad and faked-scared. "It was horrifying, like damn" I laughed, taking a sip of my coke.

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