Chapter Five

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Storms POV

Once we got to the DX Soda welcomed us with a smile and mentioned Steve was working on a car, A socs car to be exact, we all cringed but continued on talking to each other until Steve came out with a girl with dirty blonde hair , flowing down , blue eyes and she was wearing a flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, dark blue skinny jeans and black sneakers, I knew that look from anywhere.

"Hailey?!" I asked as she chuckled and went to hug me, only to smack me across the face.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE MISSED YOU?!? MITCH, MAY, BROOKE, AMBER, SKY, MADDIE , GIL , ANGELA , NEDA AND I WERE WORRIED SICK AFTER THAT GUY TRIED TO BREAK INTO YOUR PLACE!!!" She screamed and hugged me, then let go and looked at me "where's the Vodka?" She asked. Getting strange looks from everyone until Dally spoke up.

"Why would such a hot girl want to ruin her throat with vodka?" He asked flirting, she rolled her eyes.

"Because I flipping love vodka?" She asked in more of statement, giving me a laugh "anyway who are your new friends?" She asked

"Hailey this is Ponyboy, Johnny, Steve, Sodapop, Two-Bit and Dallas, Darry is at work " I Finished pointing to each one of the guys. She stared at me and then them,  then smirked.

"Dallas... isn't that your little brothers name?" She asked.

"Right that is my little bro's name.." I chuckled

"Such an original name" Dallas commented, chuckling. Hailey laughed while the rest cocked an eyebrow at us, what can I say? I'm weird and so are most of my friends.
Soda smiled as we began talking again.

"So Hailey? why is a girl dressed as a Greaser hangin with the Socs?" Dally asked, she looked away in thought then answered him.

"Surprisingly I actually don't know, I woke up at a beach not to far from here... a guy introduced himself as Bob and asked if I would like to stay with his girlfriend, Cherry I think her name was.." Our eyes went wide. "They all went out to buy me some clothes but I refused to try on anything, I like my badass look ya know" She continued, Steve sighed and nodded.

"Anyway, ya know where the rest of the gang is?" I asked, she nodded

"Mitch, with a guy named Tim Shepherd. May, In jail for beating up a soc. Brooke, at Bucks. Amber and Gilbert , at Cherry's. Sky and Maddie are at Bob's. Angela and Neda are at Bucks as well.. We gotta find em, I saw them all in the paper the last time I picked one up and I saw Amber and Gilbert when I was at Cherry's." She said, I looked at the guys.

"Dallas, you go to Bucks and request Brooke woods , Neda Rich and Angela Jake." He nodded and left, going off to find them, even though he had no idea who they where.

"Soda, you go check out the jail, Request May" Hailey said pointing to him, he smiled, being free from work and ran the guy ran!

"Two-Bit! Go find Shepherd and ask for Mitch!" I smirked, he nodded and told me he knew where she was, running out the door. "Hailey and Johnny, go to Bob's and get Sky and Maddie here, Pony, you and I will go to Cherry's and get Amber and Gil and Steve! Stay here and wait for us to get back" the remaining four of us nodded and walked to the west side of town, bidding goodbye to Steve.

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