Chapter One; "Fine"

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  • Dedicated to Martyna

I wish I lived in Germany, I thought to myself, then at least I would have a sporting chance to see the Neuschwanstein Castle. But, I live in Seymour, Connecticut in the United States. And I'm semi- broke. That doesn't keep me from dreaming, unfortunately. Actually, it only makes me dream more! Just how beautiful would the Dome of the Rock be in Israel? How about the Meenakshi Temple in India? Petra in Jordan? Gees Em, get over it! I really should, I have a huge Chemistry test early tomorrow. I just can't bring myself to stop researching my favorite places on my laptop, and pick up my textbook. I am going to build something like those one day. Something lasting, something magnificent.

       "Em....Emily....EM!" my friend Kami snaps me out of my thoughts. As usual, it takes a while.

       "What, Kami? I was daydreaming!" I say, turning to look at her as we sit on my bed, me pretending to study and Kami actually attempting. Kami and I are like sisters, but we can't be more physically different. I have long, dark brown hair, dark tan skin, and brown eyes. Kami, on the other hand, has white blond hair to her shoulders, extremely pale skin, and washed out blue eyes. We also have completely different personalities. Really, its a miracle we have become friends.

      "Emily, I know you want to be an architect, but staring at images on a screen isn't going to get you anywhere," She sighs, looking at me sadly. As if I don't know.

      "Kami," I start, mimicking her tone, "I know you want to be a photographer, but not sharing your pictures around isn't going to get you anywhere," I say. Her face screws up.

     "I know...." She whispers, looking pained, and falls back onto my mountain of pillows.  I shove all the textbooks off my neon green comforter and sckooch over so I am laying next to Kami. We wallow in self pity for a few minutes before a light bulb goes off in my head.

     "Hey Kami.... I have an idea."


    After I shared my brilliant plan with Kami, we invited Clary and Logan to come over. Clary was very reluctant, she was studying for Anatomy and actually ENJOYED it. Weirdo. Logan was all for getting out of his prison of a house. A half and hour later, we were all sitting up in my sister Poppy's tree house.

     "Alright, I have an amazing idea that you will all agree to. So, you know how spring break is coming up?" I get a chorus of DUHS. How could anyone forget?

     "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I think that if we each put in money, we could save up enough to spend our vacation in England!" I finish, looking around to see their expressions.

     "Um, Em? Why would we ever go to England?" Asks Logan, forever the realist. Me and Kami look at each other, and I gesture her to continue.

    "Well, Emily wants to see and draw Buckingham Palace, along with Big Ben and whatever, and I want to take pictures of everything. You, Clary, can check out the amazing medical school they have there, and Logan, you can meet some of the British pop stars and get some tips. See? Win win win win!" She flaurishes. They still don't look convinced.

    "Look," I sigh, "I have been dreaming of seeing the wonders of the world since I was five. FIVE. I figured, since I may never get to do that, I may at least go SOMEWHERE. Please? Pleeeeease?? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEE?" I beg, my hands clenched together. Clary and Logan share a glance. I know they are in love. Then comes the words that will forever change my life;


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