Chapter I dont remember; Sight Seeing

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    Logan's P.O.V.

    After finding a cheap but relatively clean hotel and sleeping for what seemed like two but was actually twelve hours, I was feeling better. Well, if you count better as feeling the slightest bit of remorse for threating Kami. And Emmie... and Clary... and the doorman.... I remember telling them that if they didnt get me to a bed soon I would rip their throats out and send them in a box to my pitbull Tank. Oh well, if they really minded how I acted when I was tired then they wouldn't be friends with me, now would they? No, no they wouldn't.

    "Morning," I croak as I stumble into the small, pathetic 'kitchen' space. The girls are all dressed and ready for the day while I probably look like a hobo with my bedhead and sleepwear. Clary looked especially good, dressed in a long sleeved light pink blouse with barely there flowy disigns on it. Form fitting skinny jeans showed off her curves and plain white sneakers tied it all together. She had natural makeup on and her hair was around her shoulders in its usual way. She blushed and I noticed myself staring at her. I ripped my eyes away and observed the room. It wasnt very interesting with its boring beige theme, but I couldnt bring myself to look at her again. We were not a couple, but God knows that I wan't to be. She doesnt though, obviously.

    "Hey, we were going to go sight seeing, want to get your ugly a** in gear and come with us?" Emily, always the ice breaker.

    "Yeah, lemmie take a shower," I say, then head to the bathroom to take a quick wash. I dress in a simple plaid flannel shirt and jeans with a brown belt. I usually wear muscle shirts to show off my six pack and biceps, but London was cold for spring and I thought I should be on the safe side.

    "Lets go Logan!" Clary shouts. Gosh I love her voice.

    "Yeah yeah yeah I'm comin'!" As I walk down the hall to find them waiting. Kami with her camera and Em with her sketch pad. I swear those two are attached to those things like if they leave them anywhere they will die. Gets annoying though when they don't trust it around a food court at the mall and make you hold them. Then they get your order wrong.

    "Lez go my fine female friends," I say in an over exaggerated French accent, opening and walking out the door.

    "Rude..." I hear Emily say under her breath. Whatever. 


     So far we have walked ten miles, seen the Big Ben, considured riding the London Eye (but then chose not to because of all our intense fear of hights) and I swear, taken pictures of everything in site. Emily wanted Kami to take what she wanted too, so that she can have something to look at while drawing. We have yet to see the Palace but I am SUPER hungry and famished so I force them to take a brake with my magical glares and increasingly mean threats.

    I drag them into the first food place I see, a chicken place called Nando's. It is amazing, and my new favorite restaurant. Making me pay because I was so mean (which I appologised for, I swear!), the girls and I stand up to leave the joint. Just before we set off a guy intercepts Emily. She looks shocked at first, then smiles.


Emily's  Point of View

     Wow, Nando's is truly a place of miracles! Never had I thought I would see Liam again. I mean, London is quite... big. (A/N Harry pun intended she just doesnt know it) He had intercepted me at the door right before we left, then persuaded us all to come sit as his table with his friends. Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn. The names sounded familiar. Whatever. Harry looks disapointed when Clary doesnt give a sign that she remembers him, but Kami is looking like she knows Niall and Zayn.

     You can quickly tell after a few minutes of conversation that Louis is the funny, overly dramatic one, Harry is the flirt, Niall is the cute and food loving one, and Zayn is the shy one. Liam is a bit harder. At first he seemed like a flirt, but then he turned all responisible and tried to stop some of the boy's antics. Then, he acts like a little kid when then insult Toy Story. I took offense too, I love that movie.

    " then, Harry gets on top of the bar, and proceeds... *laugh*... proceeds to sing a song about ducks that he made up himself to the hottest girl in the pub. How did it go Harry?" Louis prods a very uncomfortable looking Harrold. He shakes his head, looking hopeful. "Nevermind, I remember; (A/N to the toon of Harry Potter Puppet Pals) Ducks... ducks, ducksducksducksducks DUMBLEDOOR!" I burst out laughing at Harry's expense. Sounds like a funny dude.

    "I, of course, tried to get him back to his right mind but then he stripped his clothes and went running around the pub! Lets just say we got payback when he had a killer headache in the morning," Liam adds, making me laugh more. Logan, Kami and Clary have joined in and now we are officially the loudest table that has ever been in Nandos.

    "So, hows tour going?" Kami asks when we all calm down. Tour?

    "What tour Kam?" I ask, confused.

    "Oh, you didn't know that they are One Direction?" She asks non chilantly. ONE DIRECTION?? THAT'S WHY THEY ARE SO FAMILIAR!  No no, Emily Marie Torres, you will not freak out.

   "Really? I had no idea, thats so cool," I say, and I am proud to see they look impressed.

   "Great, actually, we love to see our fan's enthusiasm," Zayn speaks up for the first time. Nice voice. Nice face. Nice body. Wow, hes like... perfect, isn't he? Not that I like him. No, I actually much prefer Liam.

    "Nice. Actually, I can tell that Logan is getting cranky and wants sleep so we better part ways now," Clary says, looking anxiously at L.

    "Shall we exchange numbers?" Louis asks in a weird voice.

    "Yeah, of course," Kami agrees, only looking at Zayn. She is blushing slightly and I figure she might 'fancy' him, as Londoners would say. We get numbers and head back to the hotel at around nine thirty. I am bushed. However when I am in bed and feel my phone vibrate I still have energy to see that Liam has texted me;

      Goodnight, love --Liam

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