Chapter seven: Clary's P.O.V.

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  • Dedicated to Casey

         Last Night was so fun, even though that Harry boy kept looking at me and trying to flirt. He is really cute, with his green eyes, brooding look on his face and curly hair, but I like Logan a lot more than the player of the group. Ahh, Logan. My sweet, lazy, stylish, handsome, strong, cranky guy. He was the only reason I came to England, besides to see the colleges. Up in that tree house, seeing the hope on his face as he thought about being able to have more of a chance to sing... how could I pass up the chance to make him happy? Of course, he doesn't know this. I doubt he ever will, because I see the way he looks at other girls. He doesn't love a nerd like me.

     Maybe I should give Harry a shot, I mean, if Logan is never going to like me anyway, what's the harm? Yes, you can do that Clarissa, (Yes, I pretended to like the nickname Clary) besides, if I do end up liking Logan more, what's a better way to make him jealous? I think to myself. Maybe Harry would turn out to be more than the player. And maybe not.

     "Clary--" I interrupt Kami before she can continue. I have a feeling it's time for a fresh start.

     "Don't call me that. Call me Clarissa," I demand, watching as a confused look clouds Kami's fair face.

    "Okayyyyyy.... Clarissa, Zayn invited us all to go over to the boy's flat this afternoon. Em and Logan are coming, want to join?" She asks, still looking confused. We were at the hotel still, all of us sitting on the couch watching Doctor Who (a show I have begun to love! It's SO cool!), and I was really hoping for a lazy day after walking for so long yesterday. Not that I am not in good physical shape, I have a well earned A+ in gym and I do swimming, but we walked for literally three hours strait yesterday. Ugh. However, it would give me a chance to get to know Harry.

    "Sure, let me just get a quick shower in and then we'll go?" I ask, and Kam nods. I jump up off the couch and jog to the shower, which was surprisingly clean and hygienic. I turn the water on and as I wait for it to heat up I go and grab a flowered print tank top, because it was kinda warm outside, and blue jean capris. And, of course, underthings. After a nice, relaxing shower I head back to the living room and plop down on a couch to wait for the others to get their act in gear.

     "Come on Cl--Clarissa, we want to head out," Emily says, stumbling a bit on my name. I have been called Clary *shudder* since I was little, I can understand how it must be hard to get used to saying something different. Whatever, they will catch on soon enough, studies show. Walking out of the building and hailing a cab, Kami gives the address Zayn had given her to the driver. He grunts his acknowledgement. Not the nicest, nor the cleanest man around, I note.


      After a decently long ride, we arrive at a beautiful five star hotel. It must cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars to stay in such a place. It is called Hotel Prudence, and it was made almost entirely of glass. What wasn't see through was made with gold tinted stone, and there was only enough to give the occupants privacy. There must have been one hundred stories, and I could already guess which one five hugely rich teenage boys would be living in. The pent house. I can't wait to see it! I can't wait to see Harry.... With incredulous looks upon all our faces, we entered the castle like place while Kami texted Zayn that we had arrived.

      The inside was even more incredibly. And white. Nearly everything was a gleaming and beautiful white, from the lounge couches to the carpet and walls to the chandelier and the secretaries stand and outfit. I suppose this was done so that the people checking in felt like they stood out, and mattered as important people. I would love to live here. There was a loud thundering and suddenly I was crushed in a massive hug from one of the boys as they came down the stairs. I couldn't tell whose it was, but from the tight and personal way this person was holding me, I could guess it was... Liam! No, just kidding. Obviously Liam is interested in Emily. A blind person could see that. No, it was the one and only Harry Styles.

     "Hello, love, nice to see you again," He says when he FINALLY pulls back. I give him a smile and say,

    "LOVELY to see YOU again, my dear Harrold," in my most British accent. He laughs. It is a nice laugh, I could get used to hearing it. I look at his eyes and see poorly disguised surprise. He didn't think that I would take too fondly at being hugged by him. He takes my hand and starts to lead me to the elevator. I had a feeling I was going to have fun here.

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     Emily's P.O.V.

       I am not sure why, but every time I see Liam my heart starts to pound, I can feel my face heating up, and I am sure that I will never utter a coherant sentance again. Do you think that maybe I am starting to care for him? Surely not, but, never the less, I find myself thinking of him shirtless and wet on the beach. Currently we are sitting on the couch in the pent house (YES!!!) watching Toy Story. I had no problem with it but Logan and Zayn had complained.

    "Who want so play truth or dare??" Louis speaks up, obviously tired of watching the movie. We all nod and gather around in the circle, Liam and I shifting so that we can still see the TV.

    "I'll go first. Niall, truth or dare?" Louis gets the ball rolling. And quite a ball it is, too!

(A/N Please tell me if I should make the chapters longer, I would love to make my readers happy. Who is up for some One Direction point of views? I think Niall shall be first....)

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