Chapter Nine; No Title

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Dedicated to LondonCity_UK and Love1D156 because they are amazing!

 Emily's P.o.V.

   I wake up kinda happy. At first I am confused, because usually I just wake up tired, but then I remember the last day's events. It was a good day. I liked spending it with Liam. I wonder if he felt the same way. I giggle quietly when I remember the look on the poor girls face when Liam flashed her. It turned beet red, and after staring at his butt for a good two seconds, seemed to think better about it and looked at her lap instead. her lips were turned in so it looked like she had none and she shook like she was trying not to laugh. I doubt that that is what she was expecting from her day.

    "Emily, get outta bed lazy ass, we wanna go shopping for souvenirs," I hear Logan shout from the door of the room I share with Clary. I would share with Kami, but she kicks. Snoring is better than kicking. At least to me.

    "Yeah yeah yeah gimmie a minute brute," I grumble, getting out of bed and picking out my clothes for the day. I am not really in the mood to make my self pretty and approachable, despite the happy memory. I choose a black over sized t shirt that says On Your Mark, Get Set, GO AWAY and jeans with my grey Nike sneakers. I know everyone will think of my shirt choice as a joke and ignore it, but it's worth a shot, right?  I throw my hair into a not so messy bun and add just a touch of a lady's essential mascara, eyeliner and cherry chap stick. I stalk out of the room after brushing my teeth in a 'look at me I'm fabulous' style and stop in the small living area where everyone already is.

     "About time. Ready to go?" Kami asks, standing up from the worn beige couch.

     "Yes, if we can stop at a Starbucks or something. I haven't had breakfast yet," I am in a bit better mood. "Now lets go buy some memories!"


     I am worn out. I bought a silk scarf and matching tie for my parents, and a neckless with- who would have thought -a poppy on it for Poppy. I feel bad for Clary. She has to buy something for every one of her siblings plus her mom and dad. She finally decides on buying her siblings shirts, and her mom a purse and her dad a snappy new briefcase. Kami doesn't buy anything, saying that her dad wouldn't appreciate it. Logan buys his mom a painting. A wonderful painting. Wouldn't think Logan would be so sentimental, but when it comes to his mother, nothing matters more.

     We are heading back to the hotel, and I am walking backwards to throw a teasing remark at Kami when I crash into something and end up on the cobblestones.

    "I am so sorry!" We both say, and then we laugh. The person I ran into is a petite dark blonde with a Scottish accent. She sticks her hand out to the level of my head (I'm still on the ground) and when I take it she helps me up.

    "Thank you! Whats your name?" I ask, trying to be friendly. She smiles.

   "I spell it Sarah, but I pronounce it Say-ra. Nice to meet you! You are...?" Sarah shoots back at me, turning slightly and letting the are drag.

   "Emily. These are my friends Kami, Logan and Clarissa. So, is this your first time in London?" I ask, after everyone has shook hands. A passionate look crosses her face and she smiles widely.

   "Yeah. I love it here! I can't imagine any better place other than Scotland," She says. "You too? Kami, Logan and Clarissa are American, but you have a slight Mexican accent Emily," Very observant. I like her.

    "Yes, it is our first time. We are from Connecticut. I moved there when I was seven from Mexico," I explain with a smile.

   "Cool. You like it here?" She asks looking around at all of us.

   "Definitely," Logan answers instantly, looking her up and down with a smirk.

   "Idiot... Sure, its great!" Clary whispers the insult before answering. She looks jealous!

   "Of course, very photogenic," Kami answers, glancing between Clary and Logan with the same smile I have on.

   "Oh, you are a photographer?" Sarah looks intrigued, her brown eyes flashing with interest.

   "In the making, yes. I hope to go to college for it eventually," Kami looks pleased.

   "I prefer the music business myself, but I have considered photography once upon a time. I go to college next year to major in music." The two looked like they could have continued the conversation, but Clary interrupted them looking at her phone.

   "Guys, Harry invited us all over to play COD with them. Hey Sarah, do you like One Direction?" Clary asks, seemingly random and innocent.

    "Oh my gosh, yes! They are sooo dreamy and I love their music. Niall IS my future husband! In my head, of course," Sarah almost fangirls. With a gleam in his eye, Logan takes over.

    "Well, how would you like to meet your future hubby? We are heading to their 'flat' now," at this point Sarah is practically hyperventilating. She can barely nod her head to say yes! Aww how cute! I know Niall will love her! And with that I looped my arm in hers and we took off to find a taxi.  


Sorry for late update! Try to do better, promise!

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