Chapter Four; Kami's POV

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     When me and Emily went on the airplane, I could tell that her and I both were not in the mood to socialize. My own father had not taken the time to say goodbye to me. Yes, I know he is busy working and managing his many businesses and all but I know for a fact that he could have taken a half hour off if he wanted to. Guess he didn't. That's OK, ever since mom died six years ago he hasn't been the same. I am pretty used to it by now, but this just ticked me off. Emily has fallen asleep with her ear buds in, and I know that she will have to turn it off soon for take off. Clary and Logan finally get their butts on the plane and they take their seats in the set in front of us. We are lucky that we didn't get separated.

      I stroke Clary's silky black hair through the cracks in the seat, just because I know it will annoy her. She makes several attempts to get me to stop but she soon realizes that it is futile. It just feels so good, and I always ask her what shampoo she uses. Clary is beautiful. Flawless brown face, and black eyes, perfect white teeth. I have always envied her body. She is thin, but thin with curves. If I were a guy I would like her, but Logan has that down for me. They are not dating, but I know they both want to. Just to stubborn.

     "Excuse me miss, but we are preparing to take off, your friend needs to turn off her electronics," a perky, fake looking attendant in a too small blue uniform leans over the seats to address me.

     "No, I do not think that will be necessary," I say, and then reach over to turn off her iPod without her noticing. "We also made sure that all our other phones and laptops were turned off before we left," I say, smiling.

    "Thank you young lady, that is more than I can say for some," She says, and walks away to warn others.  I cannot wait to take my first ceremonial step onto London ground. That may sound silly, but I have dreamed of traveling. That's one of the things that me and Em have in common. I have my camera in my bag and I plan to use it as soon as we find something worth it. Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye. The future pictures I aspire to take could be my ticket into a good college.

   "Seat belts on please, we are preparing to lift off. Please do not turn on electronics, or stand until given further notice, I repeat..." the stewardess drones. I squeal excitedly, and lean forward to mess up Logan's hair. I don't dare touch Clarissa's again.


    Soon, I am exceedingly bored. Then, I glance at Emily to see that she is very content sleeping with music, so I decide to try it as well. I am just getting out my iPod when someone kicks my seat. Then again, then again.

   "Hey! Will you please stop kicking my seat?" I ask, turning around.

   "Sorry," a Irish voice replies. The voice is male, and it belongs to a late teens, early twenties looking guy dressed in black, with blond hair and sunglasses on. He is sitting next to another boy with 'quiffed' hair, the same black attire and similar sunglasses. Weird, they look kinda like they are part of the FBI. Then again, a member of the FBI wouldn't be so childish as to kick a seat. 

    "Whats with the sunglasses? Are you even allowed to wear those on the plane?" I am curious.

    "Um... no, but we all bribed the stewardesses," The quiffed one says. He has a British voice. Hmmm...

    "'We all'? There are more of you?" I think I may be coming off as rude.

   "Yeah. Three more. I'm Niall," The Irish one says. That sounds familiar... The British one looks at him in surprise. He shakes his head and then introduces himself.

   "Zayn," He says simply. Man of few words I see. Wait, that also sounds familiar. Where have I heard those names before?

  "Kami," I reply, taking the cue from him, "Do I know you guys from anywhere, your names sound familiar. I cant place your faces so I know I haven't met you..." I am still turned around, whispering as to not disturb Emmie.

    "Yeah you probably have. We are from One Direction, famous British/Irish boy band!" Niall says. Quite the talker. OHHHHHH.

    "Oh, cool. Listen, nice meeting you, but I think I am going to take a nap now. Maybe I will see you later," With that I turn back around and fall asleep easily. But not before I hear Zayn whisper,

    "She was quite pretty, wasn't she?"

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