When He Gets Jealous

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Naruto took you out to get some ice cream and you were currently waiting on your favourite flavour. You are sitting on a bench, trying to spot your boyfriend around the crowded park but he was no where to be seen. You weren't stressing or anything, you know that he can hande himself.

"Hi, I'm Jake and you're cute." Some boy that looked a few years younger than you says. You raise your eyebrows, like, you really thought that would work.

"Okay, my friends dared me to do this and they always say stuff like you're never going to get a girl. You're really pretty and swear I'm a really nice guy. Could you maybe... Play along and kiss me or something?" He asks hopefully.
"Sorry, no kissing, I have a boyfriend. I can give you a hug though." You compromise. He nods his head happily and you embrace him in a hug, you can see his friends going crazy. Suddenly he is pulled off you, and is being pummelled by your boyfriend.

"NARUTO STOP!" You yell. He stops and looks up at you with angry eyes.
"I only hugged him because his friends were making fun of him! He knows I have a boyfriend." You exclaim, trying to dial down the situation. Naruto goes back to normal and walks up to you. You kiss him and he seems okay now.

"You didn't have to knock him out cold." You say to your protective boyfriend.
"He touched you... Yes I did."


All of the boys thought that you were gorgeous, but they knew that Sasuke was your boyfriend so most of them stayed away. That is, except for Kiba. He doesn't care who you are going out with, he kept trying to make a move on you.

"Hey, babe." You hear. You were feeling very drowsy and tired, so you weren't in your best state of mind. You were in your apartment, your parents were out and you were home alone. You hear the door open and shut.

"Hey, Sasuke..." You say.
"So you liked that cake I left on your doorstep, huh?" That's when you realised that it wasn't Sasuke, and that the cake you ate was spiked and that's why you were feeling drowsy and couldn't see well.
"Help!" You yelled.
The person came closer to you and you kept taking steps back until your back hit the wall. The person puts his hands on either side of your head and leans in, when someone else busts in and kicks him so hard there's now a dent in your wall.

"Are you okay!?" Sasuke yells, you started feeling better and could see Sasuke.
"Y-Yeah." You respond and cuddle him.
"Did he kiss you!?" He yells in your face. You rub your temples, Gosh he can be noisy.
"You don't care if you hurt me, you care if he kisses me? This is no time to be jealous, Sasukeeee." You say giggling. Damn, what the hell was in that cake?

"Why are you acting so weird?" He asks and places a hand on your forehead.
"Becauseee, I'm high on LIFE!" You yell.
"You are very sexy, have I ever told you that?" You say tugging at the hem of his shirt.
"Okay, that's enough." He says and drags you to your bedroom.

To sleep.


Okay so... Neji is possessive. What's Neji's is Neji's, and you are Neji's. All you were doing was hanging out with your boyfriend's friends because you thought that being friends with his friends would strengthen your relationship. Sorry, bare with the confusing word jumbles.

Neji said that he had to train with Hinata so he would be coming later on.

You were playing a game, one where everybody sits in a circle and passes around a spoon with an egg on it. Not too dirty, right? Except you can only use your mouth and if the egg drops you have to kiss the person who dropped it if they're next to you. What about now?

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