You Give Birth

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D/N - Daughter's Name
S/N - Son's Name




You lay on the bed on your back. Naruto was in the living room doing some Hokage paperwork. You huffed and tried to roll onto your left side after getting uncomfortable on your back. Unfortunately for you, you were about ready to pop at any minute now which means that you can't move around very well.

"Aaah! Naruto!" You yell out dramatically. You always do this, it's a quick and easy way to make him come running. He thinks that you're about to give birth or something and he sprints in. Naruto slides around the corner and slams the door open. He glares at you.
"I thought you were- Never mind. What's wrong?" He asks. You smile sweetly at him.
"Can you get me some chocolate?" You ask.

He rolls his eyes but leaves for the kitchen anyway. Soon later he walks back and passes you the block, then leaves again. You smirk, feeling accomplished that you had Naruto wrapped around your f-

"OWW!" You yell and clutch your aching stomach. This time, you weren't kidding.
"Not falling for that again!" Naruto yells through the door.

You felt as though you were having extreme period cramps. It hurt like a biatch.
"Naruto I'm not kidding!" You scream and groan. Naruto comes running in and sees you doubled over in pain.
"Did you pee yourself?" He asks, staring at the patch of water beneath you.

"MY WATER BROKE AND I'M HAVING CONTRACTIONS NOW GET ME TO THE DAMN CAVE!" You yell. You try to stand up but with a big ass baby in your stomach who was trying to get the hell out, you fell backwards. You see a flash of yellow and someone catch you before you hit the ground.

In the split second when you saw the flash, you swore you saw Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, also, Naruto's father and your child's grandfather.

You were too shocked to say anything. He looked at you with worry.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He asks and picks you up bridal style.
"I-I... Yeah..." You say and shake your head. Naruto runs as fast as his feet could take him to the secret location.

"Your contractions are close together. The time is coming!" Sakura says quickly and gently squeezes your shoulder. You cry out in pain again and squeeze your stomach. Normal babies aren't supposed to be this rough and painful to carry. I guess he's going to be a strong one.

You were in a closed off, boulder-covered, cave-like place. The birth of your child was ordered to be a secret. Seeing as your fiancé was the Hokage, if everybody knew it was inevitable that everyone would be in danger. That is why you agreed to keep it on the down low. Only five qualified surgeons/ nurses, Sakura and Lady Tsunade were allowed to be there.

Naruto was standing in the corner of the room, biting his nails. He started pacing about and refused to look into your hurting eyes.
"MOTHER OF GOD I CAN'T BREATHE!" You yell. Whatever this baby was doing to you was not good.
"Agh!" You groan.
"We'll perform a c-section! Your body could give way if this keeps up." Sakura mumbles the last part, worried that you might here and get scared. It didn't matter because you heard her loud and clear.

Sakura places a mask over your mouth, feeding drugs through it to make you pass out.

Just before you dazed off completely, you swore that out of the corner of your eyes you saw Master Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze beside you, holding your hands.
You peel open your eyes and look around the cave, remembering what happened. You see Naruto sitting in a chair beside you, holding a small, fragile baby in his arms.
"Baby, you're finally awake." He says and stands up. You sit up straight, feeling quite sore in the stomach area.
"It's a boy." Naruto says and passes you the tiny child.

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