Monday Morning

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This morning, I woke up incredibly happy. Since Travis is 17, and I'm 14, we don't go to school together. And I have track practice and singing lessons after school so I don't have to see him today..

I walked in to school and saw a note on my locker.. It read..

"I love you and I miss you. Ely, Please come back to me. I need you. Your body next to me. Your lips on mine, please baby... I love you, Boo..."

I immediately panicked. Travis would freak!!! He'd kill David AND he'd kill me.. or at least beat the living shit out of me. I shoved the note in my backpack and went to my first period.. Relieved that I had a few more hours without Travis. I ran into David at lunch and started yelling at him, explaining that I have a boyfriend who is MOST DEFINITELY the jealous type and that HE was the one who broke up with me for no reason at all except to make out with one of the cheerleaders. " I'm sorry Ely," he replied... "Give me another chance. You were so good to me and I never should've even thought about Ariana. She wasn't even that good of a kisser.. I'm sorry. I miss YOU. I miss the way you kiss me and how you hug me. Just text me, okay?" I replied with a steady "Okay" and walked away. I immediately took out my phone and I was going to take a picture for Instagram when I noticed stuff in my 'Camera Roll' that I most definitely didn't take. I At this point, all my day was about Travis. I hated this. It was like I was a prisoner in his steel cage. I NEEDED to get out. I just didn't have any fight left in me.

I got home and started texting back Travis. Telling him that I had track practice and singing lessons. He had texted me 37 times while I was gone. He's so obsessive. after I finished texting Travis, I picked up my phone and typed in David's number... I texted him "Hey" and he replied with a 4-paged text telling me how much he was sorry and how much he missed me.. I made the MISTAKE of keeping those messages.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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