The Devil

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Tia opened her eyes to find herself in a pitch black room, voices echoed from outside the walls. Tia could make them out as male voices she instantly recoiled and tried to get up , but what she didn't realise is that she was tied to a bed. Tia brain must of switched of since she had no clue what would happen if she screamed ...
" help , HELP me please I don't know where I Am "
She was cut of as the door opened and two men came in looking her up and down ,then turning back to each other whispering as if she couldn't hear them but she did more than enough of what she wanted to hear.
" the devil will be pleased we have found the vampire he was after we will take her to him"
" no "
Tia shouted and watched as the men chuckled and untied her gripping her by the arms
" pretty little thing no "
" she do just fine"
Tia struggled under there grasp but they were just to strong and they noticed
" sweetie it's no use "
Tia bit there hands allowing herself to be dropped and kicked them were the sun doesn't shine
" no one calls me sweetie"
She ran down a hall ,turning down a corridor that lead to the Devils room little did she know she was in big trouble.
Taking a deep breath Tia found herself looking around a dark room , she kept on looking back to make sure the men hadn't found her,but what she didn't know was that she was being watched. A shadow loomed up above her on the wall something or someone was there. Tia gasped as it came closer backing away in to someone she didn't want to see.
" hello again sweetie"
Tia shuddered and tried to get out of his grasp but he held her tightly, his arms around her as if he was protecting her. Tia tried to scream but the other guy appeared and covered her mouth ,so no sound would come out . She glared at him and made her leg move to where she had kicked them before, the guy chuckled and took her legs despite her protesting and they carried her to a chair. Tia took this time to punch them in the gut, they didn't flinch but why she struggled but it was too late.
" let me go"
For a second there was silence , then they let her go and she ran then stopped that was odd but she didn't have time to question what they did she just had to get out of there. Suddenly she bumped in to something or as a matter of fact a someone , she looked up and saw piercing green eyes and slick black hair.
" are you trying to escape"
" yes as a matter of a fact iam "
" oh I don't think so " the devil sneered.
Tia was so angry that she took this time to position her leg and was almost ready when she was picked up and carried back to the chair. The guy smiled and walked towards her, she looked around and saw the two men holding her by the arms firmly and watched as the guy stood in front of her.
" hello Tia "
She shuddered, her name he knew her name.
" how do you know my name"
The guy laughed and whispered in her ear.
" I know a lot more about you than you think i do"
He reached to touch her face and she pushed his hands away, he looked stricken
" don't touch me "
She hissed. for a moment the guy stood there looking her up and down, then whispered to one of the guys holding her
" Bruce take her away I will come and see her later"
He then turned to Tia and shouted looking her straight in the face.
" and you don't underestimate me cause you have no idea what I could do to you"
Bruce took her by the hand and lead her away , from that day on she knew there was no way out.
She was trapped

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