The Troubled Truth

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The moon glistened like a diamond in the midnight sky, Tia had crept out of her room which to her surprise wasn't locked , the devil must have forgot. Tia was resting her head on a stone balcony that she had discovered,  looking up at the stars and being careful not to make a noise so not to wake the devil. However it seems he had been watching her standing on the balcony in her clothes gazing up at the planets above her, not realising she was being watched, Tia looked around once more to check whether she was being followed. The coast was clear or so she thought. Walking back to her room she sensed someone and started to walk briskly. A deep voice boomed through the building followed by a laugh that sent shivers up her spine.
" you know walking quickly isn't going to hide the fact that you escaped from your room"
Tia turned around to find she was face to face with the monster she thought she had gotten away from. She gasped and turned back around to see the door to her room was not far away, all she needed was a plan. The devil had noticed Tia staring intently at the door, her only way of escaping there was no way that was going to happen. Suddenly Tia  arm was grabbed and she was dragged away from her freedom, watching as she is shoved through another door in to a grey room with grey walls the same boring room that she saw every time in this building. A voice interrupts Tia from her thoughts and a sharp object is put in her arm, the devil laughs loudly and locks the door.
" welcome to hell "
Weak and tired,  Tia is placed in a big glass tube filled with a potion to weaken tia. That way the devil would be transferred her powers to become the most powerful vampire hunter in the village. The devil leaves the room for an hour only to find her nearly dead. He flows oxygen through a hole at the top of the tube and watches how she comes back to life. Tia looks at the devil and gasps feeling a wash of energy bounce through her body. Bruce comes through the door and shakes his head worryingly at Tia only to find blood running down his neck , and his vision going blurred before he can speak he drops to the floor. Tia looms over him casting her shadow on the wall, suddenly a bright light appears and flashes over Tia showing her true reflection. The devil looks stricken
" oh god what have I done"
He looks away only to find that she has gone and is nowhere in sight . The power has been awakened and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

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