Chapter 1 Blood Shed

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I opened my eyes to ashes. As I sat up and took in my surroundings I let go of the pain. I cannot be weak in a time like this, Robin needs me more than anything. I'm all he's got. The farmers had obviously been lit on fire but it wasn't right. A small circle around us was untouched by fire. Completely intact. Robin was still unconscious but I felt the need to wake him.

"Robin, you need to wake up." I told him and shook him slightly. He stirred a little before opening his eyes. They were tired and all the life had been drained from them.

"Robin, right now I need you to be strong. Do not cry." I tell him sternly before grabbing his hand and yanking him to his feet. We started walking hand in hand through the ruins. I don't know what we were looking for really. Mum? Dad? Hope? When we got down to what had used to been the market we saw people, but it was hard to see because of fog and smoke sorrounding us.

"Over there look!" A man yelled. He ran up to us.

"Are you alright?" He asked us both and we nodded. "Listen, we need to make sure all the children are safe, let me take him to the rest?" He asked motioning to a small group of kids hiding in what used to be the supermarket. I nodded weakly to him.

"No!" Robin screamed. "I don't want to leave you."

"Robin!" I grabbed him by the shoulders getting on his level. "Look at me, I need to find mummy and daddy okay? I'll come back to you okay? Everything is going to be fine." I try to be strong but tears leak from my eyes.

"Promise you'll come back?" He asked, also in tears. The sight slowly tearing my heart apart.

"I promise, you know why?" I smiled. "Because you are my sunshine my only sunshine,"

"You make me happy when skies are grey." He continued the song, sniffling.

"Just keep singing that." I whisper, hugging him one last time before letting him walk back with the man.

"LOOK OUT!" Another man from the group shouted. We looked over his shoulder and saw five armed men walking toward us like military. Everything that happened next was almost in slow motion for me. I heard gun shots, seeing a bullet piercing through the man walking with Robin and soon enough one pierced through his small chest.

"Nooo!" I scream and try to run for him but a body hit me from the side, dogging a bullet for me. I ended up on the ground underneath this boy who'd shielded me, but when I looked up I saw another bullet hit my small brother making him fall to the ground. It was too much. This wasn't happening, I thought.

"Robin!" I shouted desperately trying to get up but my guardian wouldn't let me. There was a mix of panic and adrenaline in my body and I couldn't think straight. Why wouldn't this person get off me, I needed to get to my brother!? I tried pushing him and squirming out of his grip but I was locked.

"We need to get out of here." He told me and picked me up running away from the scene. Everything going so fast. This stranger had just dodged a bullet for me, but my brother. And how could he run with a bullet in him? We left the old market at such a speed, it wasn't human. No one could run this fast. But I didn't want to leave my brother behind. I was in such a state of shock I hardly even knew what was happening. Before I'd processed what'd happened, we'd stopped. We must be out in the forest. My saviour placed me on the damp grass and I took this time to examine him. He was quite big, muscular and had brown curly hair. His eyes were special, they were green. A very unusual colour to see in eyes. Anything light, like blonde hair and blue eyes were unsual if you did not live in the capital. That's where all the so called groomed people lived. With their combed hair, made up faces and shimmering eye colours that were probably fake.

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