Chapter 26 Flashback

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His green dark eyes searched the room clouded by smoke, for an appropriate victim. There were more than one to chose from of course, but he wanted that one. The one that drove him crazy just by looking at him. Her grey eyes mysterious, her red lips inviting, her red hair giving her that extra edge, her body petite yet curvy. He wanted her, like crazy. He wanted her blood running down his throat, he wanted to sink his fangs into her and drain her of every bit of life.

As he approached her, he came up more and more vicious ways to kill her. Although he was eyeing her in suspicious manner, all she did was smirk at him.

"May I buy you a drink?" He asked, once in front of her. She licked her lips, staring at him.

"What seems wrong with the one in my hand?" She asked slowly, holding the glass of whiskey out before him. He smirked at her, grabbing the glass out of her hand and placing it on the table beside him. Everything around them was up tempo jazz, people laughing and dancing but the two of them were in their own little world where everything was calm.

He took hold of her lace clad hand that was still out stretched from holding her glass. He was surprised at the cold of her touch but figured it must've been from the drink she was holding not only a minute ago.

"Care to dance?" He offered pulling her closer by the hand. Her body hugging black short dress was also clouding his mind, he wanted her closer. Something was igniting within him. Like he didn't want her to die, which was ridiculous since he was a creature of the night. Though there was something about this girl, he'd just picked out of hundreds.

"I don't think you know what you are getting yourself into." The woman whispered to him.

What could he possibly be getting into, that he couldn't handle? He thought as he started down at the petite figure, who seemed to think she was bigger than him.

"And what makes you think that?" He asked cockily, tightening his grasp on her but it didn't faze her. Why isn't it hurting her? She was irritating him to say the least. He wanted to hurt her more now, to wipe that smug look off her beautiful face.

"It's unfortunate." She said, confusing him. "You can't hurt me." She whispered, getting in his face. He needed to restrain from ripping her guts out before the eyes of the people.

"Does that infuriate you? That you can't rip my throat open and drink from me all night, that you can't drain my body of every drop, that you're not stronger than me." She was making fun of him right there. He was angry. How could she know what he was? Who does she think she is? He was one of the oldest and strongest vampires out there, and she thinks she can over power him?

"I know what you are, but not only that, I know who you are Harry." She smiled maliciously sending shivers down his spine. The evil radiating off her was evident.

"I'm older than you." Was all he could get out as a pathetic defense, but regretted it as he saw her smile widen even more.

"You don't know who I am." She told him. "I don't blame you, but once you find out, I'd get the hell out of here before I rip out that player heart of yours ." Her right hand was placed on his chest right by his heart, her nails digging into the skin making small red flecks appear on his white dress shirt. He gasped as her fingers punctured through his skin and he felt her fingers wrap around his heart, ready to pull it out any moment.

No one seemed to notice their encounter, which wasn't right, if anything they were drawing loads of attention to themselves.

"I'm in charge here. You've been killing here for too long, I want those ten girls back. I liked their blood." Her words were harsh and her fingers tightened around his heart making him groan in pain. Harry fell to his knees as he felt that this might be the end for the all mighty vampire filled with too much pride in using women.

"Who are you?" He choked, trying to push her hand away though not managing. His strength disappearing from his body.

"Ever heard of the bedtime story? The girl with the fangs?" She asked, pulling at his heart, just about to end his life.

"Zanita Amore?!" It had never crossed his mind that she was real, but he certainly wasn't doubting her now. She pulled her hand out of his chest, leaving his heart in tact, placing the lace glove back on before smiling again. Harry grabbed his chest in pain as he felt the five holes in his chest heal.

"What have you done to them?" Harry yelled pointing at the people who were dancing and not even looking at the scene. In their eyes both Zanita and Harry were invisible.

"Compulsion isn't easy on an entire town, but it's worth it." She smiled, before leaving him stunned in the bar but he was quick to run after her. She was too mesmerising to let go of and too powerful to let slip away.

(So some of you wanted me to write what songs I listen to whilst writing the chapters, like the author of After, yay or nay? Sorry it's short but this chapter has been written since almost the first chapter. Trying to get better at updating, love you guys!)

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