Chapter 29 War

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When he was out of sight, I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. Since his hearing was in humane he could probably hear me but I didn't care. One way or another I had to get this frustration out of me. I can't trust him when she's around.

Not after the last time I saw that horrid woman. She was pure evil and fed off of others misery. I couldn't return home this way. Red puffy eyes, hoarse voice, broken. Ever since the shot of one gun had been fired my whole life seemed to continuously spiral down. My brother, my mother, a vampire breaking my heart, my father not being the same man.

Robin died, Harry helped me, my father returned, Harry helped me, then he did more than helped me, then he broke my heart, then he fixed it and now it will be broken again. What could I have possibly have done to deserve this? I'd always helped my parents and been a good daughter.

I decided not to dwell on it more and tried figuring out where I'd go. To my father wasn't an option. I told Harry not to see me so it would leave me locked up in my tower as Rapunzel. And I couldn't go back to Harry. That surely wasn't an option. A tired, rough laugh left my mouth as I leaned against a tree trunk. I'm left with nowhere to go. I don't even know this area. I know the way from my fathers house to Harry's, but I have no clue of what is around me.

My back slid down against the bark of the tree until my bum hit the ground. This can't be happening. The day after I give my everything to Harry, she returns. She probably waited until I practically had nothing left to give him so that she could come along and give him everything. After all, she's loved him longer than I've lived, I thought sarcastically. More tears fell from my almost dried out eyes. If my life went on like this I'd get tired of it. I'm already tired of it.

I miss my mother. I miss her comforting hugs, her smell, her cooking, her warmth, her everything. I miss my brother, my small, annoying, pale, bony, sweet little brother. One day they'll get their justice, I try convincing myself.

"Saoirse?" A voice interrupts. I look up behind the tree only to see Liam, staring down at me. Quickly I wipe my eyes, desperately trying to cover the fact that I'd just been crying my eyes.

"It's okay, love." His arms wrapped around me and I hadn't even noticed him taking a seat next to me. He held me close to his body and tears continued to run down my cheeks. No longer did I try to cover my sadness. Thankfully he didn't ask about what had happened because honestly, I didn't want to talk about it. Nor did he say anything, he let me cry peacefully.

"I don't have anywhere to go..." My voice cracked and was barley a whisper as the bare statement left my mouth. The words tasted sour on my tongue and the fact of them had really sunk in.

"You can come with me, until whatever has happened has been sorted out." Liam carefully helped me to my feet, taking my bag in his hand. His other arm was wrapped around my waist, steadying me. "The walk isn't long." He assured me as we started heading right.

"What were you doing out here?" I sniffled, feeling dizzy from all the jumbled thoughts in my head.

"I should ask you the same thing." He smiled at me and I tried a forced one. "I was actually on my way to the capital but heard some sobs and since the incident here in the forest I always want to make sure that people are safe, you know." He frowned at the mention of the incident.

"I understand that, these woods are anything but safe."I spoke, thinking about the size of the forest. It was massive. "Do you also live at the end of the forest?"

"Yes, we vampires tend to have a good hunting ground. Zayn, Harry and I live surrounding the forest, though we don't hunt here anymore." He explained. "Too many people have died here."

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