Chapter 17 Her

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I ran after him upstairs and caught him scurrying out of his room with his coat on. He didn't look at me once and was going to continue past me but I wouldn't let him.

"Harry wait." I demanded stepping in front of him. "What's wrong? Where are you going?"

"Where the hell do you think I'm going?" He snapped aggressively. I swallowed my nerves, he shouldn't make me scared or nervous. He wouldn't lay a finger on me and I knew it. And as cruel as it was, I'd use that to my advantage.

"But what if they're still there, waiting for a vampire to go to those woods?" I tried but he of course knew better than me. My tries were pretty much useless.

"I would've heard if they were." He stepped to the side about the leave me standing there in the hall but I wouldn't have it. I was too desperate to let him leave. I didn't want to be alone in this big house after what we'd just seen.

"You'll get hurt!" The words sounded so weak coming from me, so selfish. Harry looked at me with disbelief in his eyes.

"Saoirse, thousands were just killed out there, it is my duty to see if they're okay!" He yelled and I flinched at his loud tone. I knew he cared about those who were in the fire. He wanted to see if there were at least one hopeless soul to save. He cared more than he was ever willing to admit. I admired his passion which was rarely shown. I don't think too manny people have seen this side of him.

"I'm sorry." I replied quietly. His face softened slightly, but he turned around quickly walking down the stairs. I wanted to follow him more than anything but I knew I was not ready to see what was out there. Dead bodies, children dead, the trees in ashes. It would remind me to much of what used to be my home. It would remind me of waking up to my whole village in ashes, dead bodies on the streets, of Robin. Seeing more of that was the last thing I needed. The door slammed shut downstairs leaving me here alone.

What do I do? Do I leave and go back home to my father? Do I try to sleep through the night? Sleeping wasn't an option after what I'd just witnessed, nightmares would be haunting me. I felt so useless. I wanted to help those people, vampires or not, they didn't deserve that. It occurred to me that I had no knowledge of the war. All I knew was that the vampires wanted to be able to live without hiding and that humans wouldn't let them, that's what Harry told me anyway.

I wanted to know more so I turned the television on in the living room downstairs. It took me some time to figure out how it worked, since I'd hardly ever watched tv. Eventually I found what seemed to be a news channel. The images flashing on the screen were short and brief yet horrifying. London was completely intact, not a scratch inside the walls around it. That was what was shown anyway, I'm never sure to trust what is on television. Outside of the walls were horrific. They showed footage of the burning cages that I'd just seen with the headline,

'London cleared from vampirism, 10 000 deaths confirmed, bodies still being found'

It felt so much harder to breathe. The capital had just taken 10 000 innocent peoples lives for no reason. Children were amongst those, they had their whole vampire lives ahead of them. They acted as if they were rodents in the capital that had to be killed. The screen flashed again and two people on a tacky white leather sofa were now in front of me. They were, what I guessed, news reporters.  I'd never really seen anything on tv before.

"Wow Cornelius, isn't it just magnificent how humans are showing the vampires no tolerance of such behaviour?" The blonde woman beamed at the man sitting next to her.

"It certainly is Ofelia! To think that they've been walking around killing us for thousands of years and now we finally get to put our foot down is fantastic." He laughed and a crowd behind the camera cheered. This didn't really seem like a serious programme to me. I turned it off. I couldn't bare to hear their insensitive words.

The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon and fire place. Curiosity brought me to my feet as I wondered over to the fireplace and to the pictures resting on the mantelpiece. Most of them were placed down, covering the photo hidden inside. I lifted one of them revealing the scene captured. The frame was crocked and the glass was broken, as if someone had thrown it onto the floor. And then I noticed the picture. It was old, really old. Over a hundred years I'd say, but then again I didn't have a lot of knowledge about these things so it could very well be old or new.

I stared at the two people holding each other. God, she was beautiful. Long read hair, big full red lips. Sparkling blue eyes, slim yet curvy figure. Prefect, every inch of her. I couldn't tear my eyes off of her. It took me so long before I noticed the person holding her in his arms.


And just like anyone who'd be looking at the photo, his focus was on her. She was smiling brightly into the camera, whilst his eyes were on her and only her. It was like everything was about her. My heart clenched at the thought of their love. I knew very well who that woman was, almost too well. It was the one and only Zanita. Ever since I got here I'd heard lots about her. How she and Harry lasted for ages. How much he loved her. They could love perfectly fine with out any type of bond. It hurt. Probably because of the bond but either way it still hurt. The fact that me and Harry would never be as free as them.

I wanted Harry to come back, I didn't want to be alone with their memories. Seeing one picture was enough but there were far more turned down and it was too tempting. What was hidden in those images? More of her? I picked up another only to feel my cheeks heat up and slam it back down, shattering more of the broken glass in the frame. I shouldn't have picked up another one, especially not that one. It made me uncomfortable that he would even frame that picture of her. That image of her in hardly anything, lying in the sheets. My heart was beating so violently against my chest. It felt hard to breathe and I could get images of those two out of my head. Jealousy was bubbling up inside of me and anger took ahold. My hands grabbed the picture and I threw it against the floor. Guilt immediately replaced the anger and envy as I picked up the frame quickly placing it back and scraping up the pieces of glass. All I had left to do now was to pray for Harry to come back and not noticing anything.

Sighing, I slumped down on the couch. It was so late, in the middle of the night. I layed down and just rested my eyes but before I knew it, I'd drifted off into the land of vampire dreams.

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