Chapter 4 Legally Here?

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"So, Saoirse, how old are you?" Harry questioned as he was making us dinner.

"17, 18 in exactly 7 months." I smiled sipping on my wine he'd given me.

"Then you're not old enough for that." He chuckled snatching the glass out of my hand.

"Hey!" I laughed. "Like that matters?" He smiled and gave it back.

"I'm just wondering, because then you're not legally supposed to live here, you're supposed to be in an orphanage."

"I'm old enough to take care of myself thank you very much." I stated and slapped him on the arm. "How old are you mister Styles?"

"Erh, let me think.... 1034." He laughed. "I think I stopped counting after 1000 years."

"Do you stop aging when you become a vampire?" I asked, well the answer was obvious since he didn't look a day over 20.

"Usually, there have been some reported cases with vampires under the age of 14 continuing to age until probably 18. And of course you grow if you're born vampire." I nodded. I've learnt so much about vampires. They're so fascinating.

"How old we're you when you turned?"

"20, I'd just turned 20." He resumed to cooking whatever it was he was cooking and I thought about it. He's been a vampire for 1014 years, and he's never...... He's never found love. I couldn't be able to think of anything lonelier, well I don't think he has love.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked and he tensed. Oh no. Did I struck a nerve? But then I saw him smirk.

"I have," He sighed. "But it was a long time ago."

"How was she?.... Or he I mean I don't have any problems with-" He cut me off, grinning at me.

"She was very pretty and everyone adored her.... Vampire of course. She was older than me, therefore being stronger and better than me at everything." He laughed. "And what really brought us together was our heightened feeling, we both felt lust. She was definitely powerful, one of the first vampires actually. And she never really changed her appearance, which could get complicated since we don't age."

"Was she beautiful?" I asked. He seemed so fond of her, the way he spoke of her. She seemed amazing.

"Yes, stunning. She had this red hair, not ginger and not red red, it was kind of really light ginger and grey blue eyes. She always wore red lipstick as well. It suited her big full lips. Yeah, she was beautiful." Harry seems to get lost in his thoughts.

"Do you still love her?" I had to ask, it definitely looked like it.

"Not in the way I used to, we've both moved on but my 150 years with her were amazing." He said and snapped out of it.

"I'm really sorry to pry, but why aren't you still together?"

"No it's fine. She...... Was a very reckless person. Evil at times, if you cross her she'll make you regret it for the rest of your life. If you try to kill yourself she'll turn you just to torture you." Anger took over his eyes and his fists clenched. She didn't sound so wonderful anymore. I stood up next to him and took his fist on my hand unclenching it. His face softened.


"Don't apologise."

"Food's ready!" He managed a forced smile and I returned it.


"You've graduated school 38 times!?" I was almost in tears from laughing. Harry had been telling me about all the ridiculous moments in his life. Let me tell you, there were several.

"That I remember!" He laughed. "I was a straight A student, thank you very much. Zayn hasn't even graduated, he was always the bad ass that didn't give a shit, and Liam's graduated more times than me."

"You guys are unbelievable!" I smiled, helping Harry with the dishes.

"You really don't have to help, it's fine." He said.

"You're giving me a safe place to live during the war, to help you with some dishes is probably the least I could do." I took another plate and washed.

"It's pretty late actually." He said, looking at the clock in the wall. It was midnight.

"Did we really talk for that long?" I definitely didn't think it was that long.

"Seems like it. You can go get ready for bed, I only have a couple plates left." He smiled at me. Not anting to cross him I nodded and ran upstairs. In my room there wasn't much that belonged to me, I hardly had anything.

"Harry?" I called and looked out of my room. He was just down the corridor, about to go in his room.

"Yeah?" He stopped in his tracks.

"I don't have a tooth brush or anything to sleep in really, I don't want to ask for too much but-" Like so many other times Harry didn't let me finish my sentence.

"It is not asking for too much. Come here." He said gesturing for me to come with him. We entered his room and he went straight int the bathroom, looking through some cabinets.

"I always keep a spare one." He smiled and handed me a new toothbrush. "I don't exactly have women's pyjamas, is it okay if you sleep in one of my shirts?" He asked a bit sheepish actually. I thought it was kind of sweet how he almost didn't want to disappoint me. Did I just think he was cute?

"Yeah, that's fine." Harry dug through one of his drawers.

"Is this one okay?" He asked, handing me a dark blue tee shirt.

"Again, it's fine." I grinned and he returned it.

"You know, it's nice to have some company in the house. It's gets so lonely sometimes." He told me seriously and I could feel my cheeks heat up. I felt something in the pit of my stomach, something good. My next movement even surprised myself, I walked up to him and gently wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

"Thank you." I whispered and tightened my grip. Harry had done so much for me these past two days, the least I could do was thank him. "Thank you so much."

His grip tightened around me as well, my head in the crook of his neck and his in the crook of my neck. I don't know for how long we stood there just like that it was a pleasant feeling. For me the war ruined my life and before I actually had time to fall Harry picked me up.

I pulled away slightly, immediately regretting it but I needed to go to bed.

"I should probably go." I said and sadness flashed through his eyes. "Goodnight." I said pulling away from the hug completely, but gave his hand a squeeze before I left the room with my toothbrush and his shirt.

When I got to my room I closed the door and sighed. I felt kind of bad for leaving him, but what else was I supposed to do? We met yesterday. Quickly I brushed my teeth, changed into his shirt and climbed into bed. Laying there gave me some time to think about what had happened. No family at all. They've all been taken away from me, and tears brimmed my eyes for what felt like the thousandth time in a couple days.

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