Chapter 6 The Feed

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Harry had eventually fallen asleep, but I hadn't. It was too early for me to sleep. 06:00 AM was when I usually woke up to work so it didn't bother me. I was still in Harry's tee so I decided to change. The big wardrobe caught my eye. There's probably nothing in there but I'd like to take a look. When it opened a small gasp left my mouth, it was filled with clothes that I adored. At the bottom there was a small note;

Hope you like them, got them when you were asleep :)

Harry x

When I was asleep? Probably yesterday when I was asleep cause it couldn't have been when I had a nightmare. I searched through all the clothes but settled on a blue, turtle neck, top and white skirt. I'd never had such clean beautiful clothes before. In my search of clothes I also found some pyjamas. Seriously? Harry was still asleep in my bed and I didn't want to wake him so I was very careful sneaking into the bathroom. Wow, I hadn't noticed how huge it was. Feeling filthy, I decided to have a shower. The shower was absolutely huge. It didn't even take time for the water to heat up, it came out the exact temperature I wanted it too. Most certainly could I get used to this. I jumped in and cleaned myself properly. I've never had such a shower in my life. Being poor, showers weren't at the top of the to do list nor was the environment this clean and relaxing. When I got out, I changed into my clothes and pulled half my hair into a ponytail, like I always had. Taking a peak into the cabinet in the bathroom I even found a bag of make up from Harry. He was really spoiling me, well at least I had a way to repay him now. When I got out he wasn't there so I ran down to the kitchen where he was fully dressed, placing a plate of pancakes on the table.

"How did you that so fast?" I gasped and then mentally slapped myself.

"Vampire speed." I mimicked him as he said it and grinned.

"These smell delicious." I smiled and grabbed one which I ate quickly. Harry also had one.

"Hey, save yourself for the blood." I grinned at me and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I don't intend on draining you." He said and put his plate in the sink. I did the same and followed him into the lounge. I'd never been in here before but it looked just like the rest of the house, kinda medieval. I really loved his house. We sat down on the sofas next to each other and Harry sighed. I looked at him and saw his eyes darken and he bit his lip.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked trying to get a look of his eyes as the energy in the room had suddenly changed.

"Nothing." He said turning his head away, but I saw it again. His eyes turning a dark shade of red and his mouth twitching.

"Something's wrong."

"No, nothing's wrong I'm just....... I'm just getting thirsty." He said looking down, almost as if he were ashamed of himself.

"Then I'm all yours." I whispered to him. It ended up sounding more seductive than I wanted it to and I blushed. He looked at me for a second.

"Come here." Harry said patting his lap and I looked at him wide eyed. "I don't want you standing up if you pass out from pain, just c'mon." He said and I understood. He was just thinking about me, I told myself in an attempt to calm my racing mind. I was still a bit tense about this lust thing but climbed onto his lap, ending up with me straddling him. He brushed my hair off my right shoulder and stared at the same spot for quite a long time making me even more nervous.

"Saoirse, I really don't want you to take this the wrong way but I can't really get to the spot I need to with your top on." I blushed at his words. It's not sex or anything he's just feeding off me, I told myself and took my shirt off. Now I felt really awkward. Once again Harry brushed the hair off my shoulder he leaned in and I tilted my head making it easier for him. I wasn't going to lie, my nerves were making me slightly nauseous. But after all I wanted this. I was saving lives by doing this and it's worth it, even though it ended up with me straddling him in my bra.

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